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Stream does not start (IPTV)


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Hi, Is brand new with EMBY. has permium. Enter the info from my IPTV provider, but it does not start playing. Just standing and buffering.
Tests via Plex. here it starts right away. Any tips?

Uten navn.png

Uten navn1.png

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Hello Villalindset,

** This is an auto reply **

Please wait for someone from staff support or our members to reply to you.

It's recommended to provide more info, as it explain in this thread:

Thank you.

Emby Team

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Hi there, yes please attach the necessary troubleshooting information in the link above and we'll be happy to help. Thanks.

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Hi.  Looks like a permissions problem getting to the tuner.

2021-03-17 08:50:38.212 Error HdHomerunHost: Error opening tuner
MediaBrowser.Model.Net.HttpException: MediaBrowser.Model.Net.HttpException: Unauthorized


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I'd probably try with this off ...


HeadersServer=WorldShield PROXY software by VPZ


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15 hours ago, Villalindset said:

Where can I find this?

"WorldShield PROXY software by VPZ" ?  I assume its something you run.  

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