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Samsung TV - SRT subtitles not showing


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Hello again,

I previously posted about movies not loading at all (rendor error type 0) which turned out to be because of too many subtitle streams in the mkv file (30-40 text streams).
I removed all text streams except the one I needed, and things worked fine.
Then I was reminded that my TV app version (2.2.6a) was outdated and a newer version was available for my TV (2.2.8).
So I updated the app.

And now (not sure if it's related to the update) I'm having problems showing subtitles with my movies...

Emby server, installed on Windows 10
Samsung TV model UE40ES6570
Emby app version 2.2.8


I start a movie which doesn't have any text streams in the MKV file, but which has a seperate SRT subtitle file in the same folder, with the same filename as the MKV file.
On the TV during playback, I can open the Tools menu, go to Subtitles, and I see the subtitle listed there.
By default, the movie will play WITHOUT subtitles.
Only if I manually select the subtitle from Tools > Subtitles during playback, it will start displaying the subtitles.

I've tried naming the srt file without language suffix, with language suffix, with forced suffix.
I've tried setting the preferred subtitle language to "any language", to my specific language (used in the suffix), to forced (with forced suffix).
I rescan the library after each change.
All without success, emby will not use the subtitles by default, and I need to manually select them.

Movie specs:


Emby server subtitle settings:



Logfile during playback from embyserver:

2021-02-22 21:47:13.178 Debug App: CodecValidation: FindVideoEncoder - Media: h264, UseHardwareCodecs: True, Mode: Automatic
2021-02-22 21:47:13.182 Debug App: CodecValidation: Checking: 'libx264 Software Encoder'
2021-02-22 21:47:13.187 Info SessionManager: Playback start reported by app Samsung TV v2.2.8 playing Greyhound. Started at 0 ms
2021-02-22 21:47:13.187 Debug App: CodecValidation: Check successful - selecting 'libx264 Software Encoder'
2021-02-22 21:47:13.188 Debug App: CodecValidation: FindVideoDecoder - MediaType: h264, Mode: Automatic
2021-02-22 21:47:13.189 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 204 to Time: 101ms.
2021-02-22 21:47:13.189 Debug App: CodecValidation: Checking: 'Automatic software decoder'
2021-02-22 21:47:13.189 Debug App: CodecValidation: Check successful - selecting 'Automatic software decoder'
2021-02-22 21:47:13.191 Debug XmlSerializer: Deserializing file C:\Users\steve\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata\config\webhooks.xml
2021-02-22 21:47:13.195 Info Server: http/1.1 GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (SmartHub; SMART-TV; U; Linux/SmartTV; Maple2012) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) SmartTV Safari/534.7
2021-02-22 21:47:13.195 Info Server: http/1.1 GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (SmartHub; SMART-TV; U; Linux/SmartTV; Maple2012) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) SmartTV Safari/534.7
2021-02-22 21:47:13.196 Debug XmlSerializer: Deserializing file C:\Users\steve\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata\config\notifications.xml
2021-02-22 21:47:13.196 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to Time: 1ms.
2021-02-22 21:47:13.196 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to Time: 1ms.
2021-02-22 21:47:13.202 Debug App: CodecValidation: Processing Plan
2021-02-22 21:47:13.202 Debug App: CodecValidation: Name                                        CanDoInHardware      WillDoInHardware     Reason                                  
2021-02-22 21:47:13.202 Debug App: CodecValidation: Automatic software decoder               >> False                False                Software Codec                           
2021-02-22 21:47:13.202 Debug App: CodecValidation: VideoInput                               >> False                False                Not a hardware decoder                   
2021-02-22 21:47:13.202 Debug App: CodecValidation: VideoOutput                              >> False                False                Not a hardware encoder                   
2021-02-22 21:47:13.202 Debug App: CodecValidation: libx264 Software Encoder                 >> False                False                Software Codec                           
2021-02-22 21:47:13.202 Debug App: CodecValidation: Projected Processing Formats
2021-02-22 21:47:13.202 Debug App: CodecValidation: Previous                HW-Context   Format       SW-Format       Next
2021-02-22 21:47:13.202 Debug App: CodecValidation: h264                 >> -            yuv420p      yuv420p      >> 
2021-02-22 21:47:13.220 Info App: ProcessRun 'StreamTranscode 411d9d' Execute: C:\Users\steve\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system\ffmpeg.exe -loglevel +timing -y -print_graphs_file "C:\Users\steve\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata\logs\ffmpeg-transcode-411d9d74-250d-481f-a577-8f9e7d9a0dd5_1graph.txt" -copyts -start_at_zero -f matroska,webm -c:v:0 h264 -i "D:\movies\greyhound\greyhound.mkv" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -sn -c:v:0 libx264 -g:v:0 72 -maxrate:v:0 10000000 -bufsize:v:0 20000000 -sc_threshold:v:0 0 -keyint_min:v:0 72 -pix_fmt:v:0 yuv420p -preset:v:0 veryfast -profile:v:0 high -level:v:0 4.0 -x264opts:v:0 "subme=0:me_range=4:rc_lookahead=10:me=dia:no_chroma_me:partitions=none" -crf:v:0 23 -c:a:0 aac -ab:a:0 360000 -ac:a:0 6 -metadata:s:a:0 language=eng -disposition:a:0 default -avoid_negative_ts disabled -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 "C:\Users\steve\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata\transcoding-temp\XF39CE4.ts"
2021-02-22 21:47:13.223 Debug App: ProcessRun 'StreamTranscode 411d9d' Started.
2021-02-22 21:47:14.579 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version= UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36
2021-02-22 21:47:14.582 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ::1. Time: 3ms. http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version=
2021-02-22 21:47:23.201 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://localhost:8096/emby/System/ActivityLog/Entries?StartIndex=0&Limit=7&MinDate=2021-02-15T20:47:23.197Z&hasUserId=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version= UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36
2021-02-22 21:47:23.201 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://localhost:8096/emby/System/ActivityLog/Entries?StartIndex=0&Limit=4&MinDate=2021-02-15T20:47:23.198Z&hasUserId=false&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version= UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36
2021-02-22 21:47:23.203 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ::1. Time: 2ms. http://localhost:8096/emby/System/ActivityLog/Entries?StartIndex=0&Limit=4&MinDate=2021-02-15T20:47:23.198Z&hasUserId=false&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version=
2021-02-22 21:47:23.204 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ::1. Time: 2ms. http://localhost:8096/emby/System/ActivityLog/Entries?StartIndex=0&Limit=7&MinDate=2021-02-15T20:47:23.197Z&hasUserId=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version=
2021-02-22 21:47:24.584 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version= UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36
2021-02-22 21:47:24.586 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ::1. Time: 2ms. http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version=
2021-02-22 21:47:34.603 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version= UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36
2021-02-22 21:47:34.607 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ::1. Time: 4ms. http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version=
2021-02-22 21:47:44.594 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version= UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36
2021-02-22 21:47:44.607 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ::1. Time: 14ms. http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version=
2021-02-22 21:47:54.633 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version= UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36
2021-02-22 21:47:54.636 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ::1. Time: 2ms. http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version=
2021-02-22 21:48:04.639 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version= UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36
2021-02-22 21:48:04.642 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ::1. Time: 2ms. http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version=
2021-02-22 21:48:14.601 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version= UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36
2021-02-22 21:48:14.604 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ::1. Time: 3ms. http://localhost:8096/emby/ScheduledTasks?IsEnabled=true&X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Chrome&X-Emby-Device-Id=18e56353-6d25-4214-8c37-51ad23246703&X-Emby-Client-Version=
2021-02-22 21:48:16.312 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to Time: 63214ms.
2021-02-22 21:48:16.351 Info Server: http/1.1 POST UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (SmartHub; SMART-TV; U; Linux/SmartTV; Maple2012) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) SmartTV Safari/534.7
2021-02-22 21:48:16.351 Info Server: http/1.1 GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (SmartHub; SMART-TV; U; Linux/SmartTV; Maple2012) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) SmartTV Safari/534.7
2021-02-22 21:48:16.356 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to Time: 6ms.
2021-02-22 21:48:16.445 Debug App: ReportPlaybackStopped PlaySessionId: 
2021-02-22 21:48:16.445 Info SessionManager: Playback stopped reported by app Samsung TV v2.2.8 playing Greyhound. Stopped at 57931 ms

Logfile during playback in the app:


Server settings shown in the Emby TV app:


If, while playing, I go to Tools > Subtitles, I do see "Dutch" listed, and when I select it, it will start showing the subtitles.

What am I missing here? Is this a bug in the 2.2.8 app version, because I didn't seem to have any problems with 2.2.6a version, but might be just a coincidence maybe.
If more info needed, let me know what info and I'll try to add it.

I have another movie where I have the Dutch text stream in the MKV (along with the English one), so without external SRT file, and there emby refuses to show the subtitles as well.
Same issue, I need to manually select the subtitles via the Tools menu, otherwise they won't show.

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