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Library access


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I'm back!! Since this morning I have the problem that I cannot sync 1 folder into EMBY. Let me put is this way: the folders within /mnt/MM/Music all have the same read/write etc. rights. but he doesnt sync the folder Coldplay. Why? I don't know, that's why I am here. So please please please help me. I already deleted the folder and put it back, but that also didnt work :( 


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Your screenshots are way to small to really make anything out, but one issue that I do see is that all of those directories are assigned to  root root, which mean emby cannot access them.

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Hey Mark,

only the map Coldplay isnt reachable. all the others can be played and synchronized so thats weird. And I also can see the map when I add the library


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On 1/12/2021 at 10:59 AM, AlphardvB said:

Hey Mark,

only the map Coldplay isnt reachable. all the others can be played and synchronized so thats weird. And I also can see the map when I add the library


This means the server is able to list the contents of the music folder, but must be getting denied access to a subfolder if it can't go any further than that.

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