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Group books


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I have Calibre as my primary ebook management software. It is very common that I'll get an ebook in one format and need to have Calibre translate it to another format, like:

  • title.pdf
  • title.epub

I've changed ebook readers several times over the years, so it's not uncommon for there to be 3 or more versions of one title. In Calibre, these are merged into one listing, and when I want to do anything with them I specify which version - and Calibre knows what ereader I'm using, so if I want it to sync ebooks to my ereader it knows which one to default to.

Similarly, in Emby, when I have the same video in two different formats, like:

  • title (1980) - 720p.mp4
  • title (1980) - 1080p.mp4

I can group them and they're treated as one listing, and I can use a dropdown to select which version I want to watch. However, I also have my ebooks library linked to Emby, and I find that I am unable to group books, so in the above example both versions are listed as separate books. This is highly annoying - above and beyond the difficulty of determining what format I'm looking at, I have to wade through a lot of repetitive listings to try to find what I want.

I am not asking for Emby to automagically detect multiple copies and group them together for me (although if they have the same title and are in the same folder this should be easily possible - and indeed, Calibre is open source so it should be possible to read its metadata), I am just asking for the "Group items" option to be enabled for ebook titles so I can do it manually.

I really love that in Emby I can create a Collection containing ebooks, video games, music videos, tv shows, and movies, and see all related content together. It becomes a real pain in the neck, however, when I get multiple listings for each ebook to wade through before I even get to the videos. 

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Hi, we currently don't support this for books, although it's possible for the future. Thanks for the feedback.

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