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No Episods name Synopsis and for Tv Shows after the Last 2 Updates

Go to solution Solved by ebr,

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At first thanks for the great work. After the update befor the last all the episode names and synopsis dissapeared and the episode name becoame like this:

                before                                                                    after

         S01E01 - Episode name ----------------------------->Show name S01E01 

so I have tried to refresh the metadata with no result and when the last update Version 3.0.5031.21343 came I thought it wii resolve the problem but nothing changed.

P.S. 1-My folder structure is: Tv series/                                   and episode name came from metadata

                                                   the show/

                                                          Show name S01E01.flv

and thanks   

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I clicked edit then made sure that the tvdb id is there and then clicked refresh after making sure that force refresh buuton is slected

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it looks like the MB3 dosen't recognize the build structure fully as right now I have added a new series with 3 episodes with the same build structure above and MB3 added the series.xml and the folder.jpg and the backdrop and banner without adding the metadata folder

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Thank you so much. Befor the last 2 updates it worked without the season folder So I didn't think of it so it's my mistake.

Thank you again for your time and immediate response.

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