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How to setup Kodi on Pi3 with Emby Live-TV

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i have an M3U-Tuner and will setup kodi to use this live-tv.

Which pvr i have to use. Simple IPTV or NextPvr?

LibreELEC 9.2.4 / Emby Server


If you want Livetv from emby server, Kodi PVR is not supported yet.

You can play emby-live tv only via E4K's options menu (if it works).

You can also use Simple IPTV and connect it directly to your tuner without emby-server.



thx for reply.

oh no, i pay for lifetime to add this option for me. Don't read enough about this 😏

Unfortunately Simple IPTV break the stream every 10-20s. So the stream is not well. On my LG-TV or VLC its all fine.

Is their an idea when pvr backend is supported?


As mentioned you can play from emby server as well, but not via Kodi pvr functionality at the moment. Just try if it works for you.

In 5.0 I'll add pvr support in some way. At the moment I'm thinking about using simple IPTV and feed it with the playlist from emby-server. At least this is the idea at the moment cause it would be the easiest approach.

5.0 will take at least one or two additional month till it's good enough for a beta release.

I'll also try to write a special PVR addon just for emby but no idea how tricky that is. I haven't started yet.


Is the issue really related to simple iptv? Is the TV feed working on Emby-Server correctly?





Of course development must be for an own pvr backend.

I will try your point to feed Simple IPTV with emby-server as source. Which URL\path i have to use? Something like "\\emby-server-ip:port\xxx.m3u"? I don't know how i access to this.

The issue isn't simple iptv on kodi rather then the hardware acceleration. My TV is more perfomant because of this it work very well.

My hope is if emby-server transcode my pi isn't so fully occupied.




My hope is if emby-server transcode my pi isn't so fully occupied

I think emby server is not capable to transcode Live-TV yet.


Can you please confirm or reject my 2 cents here.



Are you using Emby4Kodi over the internet? Are bandwidth issues the limiting factor and therefore you want transcodeing option?

The hardware accelaration shouldn't be an issue on a Raspberry Pi 3. Have you modified cache settings in Kodi (advancedsettings.xml)?


M3U playlist directly from Emby-Server is also not possible at the moment. Only way is to write your own M3U playlist pointing to the actual Live-TV streams on the emby server.

But could be also tricky, if the API-Key changes and it's hardcoded in the playlist.

Once again @Luke

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Correct yes. If it has to transcode then yes it will possibly use a lot of the Pi's resources .


@quickmic: I don't play over internet. The NAS streams only local. I use openwizard to modify cache / buffer for stream (this write direct to advancesetting). Also the frequency ot tv, sync settings, MMAL, OPX of the player i tested. sometimes it run sometimes not. 

But which settings for advance u think is good for test? This is my current.

        <buffermode>2</buffermode>  <!-- Choose what to buffer:
                                         0) Buffer all internet filesystems (like "2" but additionally also ftp, webdav, etc.) (default)
                                         1) Buffer all filesystems (including local)
                                         2) Only buffer true internet filesystems (streams) (http, https, etc.)
                                         3) No buffer
                                         4) Buffer all network filesystems (incl. smb, nfs, etc.) -->
        <memorysize>0</memorysize>  <!-- number of bytes used for buffering streams in memory When set to 0 the cache will be written to disk instead of RAM -->
        <readfactor>4.0</readfactor>  <!-- this factor determines the max readrate in terms of readfactor * avg bitrate of a video file. -->
        <curlclienttimeout>20</curlclienttimeout>  <!-- Timeout in seconds for libcurl (http/ftp) connections -->
        <curllowspeedtime>20</curllowspeedtime>  <!-- Time in seconds for libcurl to consider a connection lowspeed -->
        <curlretries>2</curlretries>  <!-- Amount of retries for certain failed libcurl operations (e.g. timeout) -->
        <httpproxyusername></httpproxyusername>  <!-- username for Basic Proxy Authentication -->
        <httpproxypassword></httpproxypassword>  <!-- password for Basic Proxy Authentication -->

movies from emby play every time perfect up to BD-ISO (Pi3!). Only streams IPTV will break.

I think your info to add a native backend will help me in future.


Try that, but ONLY for a test:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <curlretries>100</curlretries>             <!-- Amount of retries for certain failed libcurl operations (e.g. timeout) -->


It will cache everything, but also could wearout your SSD/SDCard or MMC!

7 hours ago, quickmic said:

Only way is to write your own M3U playlist pointing to the actual Live-TV streams on the emby server.

Afaik that's not possible at all, because the live tv stream urls are not static. The actual live tv stream url is created on demand as a response to a video stream request.

Posted (edited)

I'm not very far with my tests, but yes static stream is working but transcode is not.

e.g. works fine for me

I'm using m3u tuner pvr in emby server and the stream is coming from Neutrino Sat receiver (TS-stream).

Edited by quickmic

Thx at all I will try this step by step and give feedback

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a) I turned my sat off. For test my dreambox works fine to for a static channel.

b) i also tested the advancedsetting and for the moment it run very good. no buffer and no break. hope it will be permanent.


Is it possible to set a timer manuel or only via epg? I want to rec a chnannel in 3 days from 16-17pm an i dont have epg for this time.


Currently recording requires an epg but manual recordings are something we are planning on supporting in upcoming updates.

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