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Music library making up artist names - ignoring tags


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I'm trying to organise my music library in Emby and have corrected all my MP3 tags with IDv2.3 tags making sure that every track has the correct artist information etc. However I'm finding that Emby is creating multiple artists for my albums.

For Example:

I have a large collection of soundtrack albums by Christopher Franke. So, I used MP3Tag to update every file so that the artist and album artist is always 'Christopher Franke'. I created a brand new Music library in Emby and added the albums (39) for this one artist (starting off by just adding the one), I also disabled any of the MetaData downloaders assuming it would then rely exclusively on the tags. 

However, once Emby had scanned the music library I was presented with 4 artists:

Christopher Franke (most albums are shown here)
Franke Christoper (2 albums)
Franke, Christopher Christopher Franke (1 album)
Original TV Soundtrack (1 album)

Figure 1 - explorer view of the 'Christopher Franke' folder on my server. (/mnt/hdd1/embyserver/music/Christoper Franke)
Figure 2 - Emby view of the library.
Figure 3 - MP3 Tag listing of one of the albums that is listed under the variant artist name for no reason I can see.

Is there a way to get Emby to respect only the embedded tags? Otherwise, where is it getting the other artist tags from?




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check the affected files using the extended tag dialog (ALT+T) in mp3tag for mbz id's which probably point to the other Albumartists you are seeing

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Thank you so much. There was a hidden ALBUMARTIST tag as well as the usual ALBUM ARTIST. Man, I've been trying to solve this for months.

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Good, you have sorted it :)

99.9% of the time for things like this its extra tags that are the issue

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