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ffmpeg subtitile extraction failed


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Firstly, @Luke what has happened to your Bazinga avatar! you have always had that! 


Secondly 😉 

I have a few weeks ago installed the open subtitle plugin and it seems to be doing it's job but I am seeing these alerts every day and not sure what is happening?  Also I notice particular episodes that are generating these messages have an awful lot of subtitles downloaded?  the files that are mentioned in the alerts are still there in the cache/temp folder also





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Just to add, Emby is generating the same errors for the same episodes every day and every day another txt file appears?

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Hi @Luke

Just to update you, the download subtitle task is auto cancelling now after 8 hours, I have just changed the task length to 2 hours max as It is affecting server performance, did you find anything in the logs?


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Hi @Luke, 

Any chance of an update on this? I just get the same messages every day for the same episodes, I have tried deleting all the subs as well but every day it repeats.



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  • 2 weeks later...


In my logs im getting lots of fails for subtitle extracts

2020-07-15 22:11:38.135 Info SubtitleEncoder: ProcessRun 'ffmpeg-subtitle_extract' Execute: C:\Users\mickl\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system\ffmpeg.exe -i file:"F:\Cache\cache\temp\b35d3bd3-fefe-40a3-8b2b-b3c4d8ebe486.txt" -map 0:0 -an -vn "F:\Cache\cache\subtitles\b\bdfca1b4e85246019341b3e0e6f3c018_637304442981188417_0_0_0_False.srt"
2020-07-15 22:11:38.205 Info SubtitleEncoder: ProcessRun 'ffmpeg-subtitle_extract' Process exited with code 1
2020-07-15 22:11:38.205 Error SubtitleEncoder: ffmpeg subtitle extraction failed for file:"F:\Cache\cache\temp\b35d3bd3-fefe-40a3-8b2b-b3c4d8ebe486.txt" to F:\Cache\cache\subtitles\b\bdfca1b4e85246019341b3e0e6f3c018_637304442981188417_0_0_0_False.srt
2020-07-15 22:11:38.205 Error SubtitleEncoder: ProcessRun 'ffmpeg-subtitle_extract' Output:
2020-07-15 22:11:38.205 Error SubtitleEncoder: ProcessRun 'ffmpeg-subtitle_extract' Error Output:
	ffmpeg version 4.3.0-emby_2020_05_23-g8f222573e9+530 Copyright (c) 2000-2019 the FFmpeg developers and softworkz for Emby LLC
	  built with gcc 9.2.0 (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project)
	Execution Date: 2020-07-15 22:11:38
	Input #0, tty, from 'file:F:\Cache\cache\temp\b35d3bd3-fefe-40a3-8b2b-b3c4d8ebe486.txt':
	  Duration: 00:00:18.16, bitrate: 47 kb/s
	    Stream #0:0: Video: ansi, pal8, 640x400, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
	Output #0, srt, to 'F:\Cache\cache\subtitles\b\bdfca1b4e85246019341b3e0e6f3c018_637304442981188417_0_0_0_False.srt':
	Output file #0 does not contain any stream

 But the cache files exist in the cache folder

Part of F:\Cache\cache\temp\b35d3bd3-fefe-40a3-8b2b-b3c4d8ebe486.txt

[COLF]&H00FFFF,[STYLE]no,[SIZE]21,[FONT]Comic Sans MS
Ohh,[br]you're so good.

Ohh, yes.[br]I am the best, baby.


It errors with:

Output #0, srt, to 'F:\Cache\cache\subtitles\b\bdfca1b4e85246019341b3e0e6f3c018_637304442981188417_0_0_0_False.srt':
	Output file #0 does not contain any stream


This file doesnt exist, does it possibly need to be created before ffmpeg can write to it? or is it something to do with the mapping?

I can use ffmpeg but am not an expert with it.



Is this an error you can fix or is it something I need to do ??



Edited by mickle026
Lol - didnt check the content of the subs!
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, dmacleo said:

seeing same types of error (diff file of course) and am wondering if any solution

I Still get the same errors every day on the same files, still waiting for @Luke to come back to me

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2 minutes ago, mbc0 said:

I Still get the same errors every day on the same files, still waiting for @Luke to come back to me

I did delete the txt files today and so far no errors, will know more tomorrow. just really odd as to why

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1 hour ago, mbc0 said:

I Still get the same errors every day on the same files, still waiting for @Luke to come back to me

ok still happening and its also only happening on south park episodes. however mine are all iso files, image of the disc for each season. not sure where the issue is

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iso files?

There's the reason, it' ancient and far out dated technology.  ISO disc images really don't belong in the streaming world.  Emby can do certain things with them but you should be converting these files on your own to streaming formats such as mp4 files.  We don't live in the 1980s any more.

Not that you don't already know how I personally feel about them, LOL,  but I'd be tickled Emby Green if support for them was dropped as they are always a source of issue for people.

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don't use emby to stream them they are just in the library emby monitors. use dedicated players here. there are some items I use with emby/roku but ar enot the iso files. would be nice to have option to ignore certain extensions.

and with dedicated players (including kodi on pi and android)  iso works awesome, I like dvd menus/etc.


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No doubt dedicated players can access and play back iso's without a problem as it's just a "disc" to them and the player has 100% full access to it, but in the streaming world everything is streamed through specific protocols and the client does not have access to the media and has to ask for portions of it and since the files isn't created in a way that lends itself to streaming it gets hard quick and certain things are always problematic.

No idea how many of these ISOs you have but if only a couple a dozen you'd be well off converting them.  If on the other hand you a thousands of them then it's another thing. :)

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Yeah, I have tried deleting the files as well but like you they appear on the next subtitle run with the error.  I gave Luke my logs with it happening a while ago so he should have everything he needs to track the fault down when he gets time.

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5 minutes ago, cayars said:

No doubt dedicated players can access and play back iso's without a problem as it's just a "disc" to them and the player has 100% full access to it, but in the streaming world everything is streamed through specific protocols and the client does not have access to the media and has to ask for portions of it and since the files isn't created in a way that lends itself to streaming it gets hard quick and certain things are always problematic.

No idea how many of these ISOs you have but if only a couple a dozen you'd be well off converting them.  If on the other hand you a thousands of them then it's another thing. :)

there are many  may have to just tell emby to ignore that folder. there are lot of mkv/mp4/avi in same folder (TV Series folder) that emby works fine with.

I have a trains folder (for railroad videos) with tons of iso and mkv/mp4 files too. however emby never tosses an error on that, ecpect its because open subtitles has NO info for them as not a movie/tv show. maybe thats why certain iso are ignored.

man ability to ignore *.iso would be useful

Edited by dmacleo
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Could you not just mass move the ISOs to a different location?

Edited by cayars
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7 minutes ago, cayars said:

Could you not just mass move the ISOs to a different location?

I'd have to maintain sep folders for certain series, for example some of south park are iso and others are mp4/mkv/etc. I prefer one folder with each season under it. same with the simpsons since they stopped releasing dvd after season 17

just ignoring it in emby OR just ignoring the alert best bet.

honestly just ignoring the alert is what i prob will do.

Edited by dmacleo
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OK.  I was going to suggest you could have a duplicate folder structure of your currently layout but only have the ISO in one while other files in the main.

That would be pretty easy to script and run on windows and I could do that for you if you are interested.  Basically a "for files in" telling it to search all subs for ISO and then move to a new location with the same directory structure.  So could easily be moved back the same way.

If you want to do this at a later time, let me know.

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I can do a batch move if desired but really not worth it. maybe i'll spend a few minutes submit a feature req to allow skipping certain extensions thru the subtitle download task scheduler. other than tha I'll just ignore it, only reason I posted was I happened to see the org post at same time i was looking ta alert page in dashboard LOL :)

thanks for the offer, its appreciated. but I have knowledge on how to do it also.just not worth it.

if I ever do away with standalone players and go to a pure roku or something would def have to do it. hopefully that day never comes.

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