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Make "Release Date" Sort in Collections Reversible in Emby Web


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When displaying films in a collection by "Release Date" instead of "Sort Name" the display is always from oldest to newest. This is counter intuitive and should at the least show the newest movies first, but also have the option to alternate between either "oldest to newest" or "newest to oldest". i think most people would agree that we wish to see newer movies populate the list first in most cases as this offers the least effort required to maximise variety of choice. For example if you make a "Marvel Cinematic Universe" collection and sort by release date currently every time you open the collection you see the oldest first, ie Iron Man etc., but when a new movie from Phase Four is released and added to the collection you have to scroll to the bottom to view. What a pain. Good design should be intuitive and require the least effort and shortest number of steps to achieve your goal. Generally Emby is excellent at this and is one of the main reasons why I prefer it to Plex. (As everyone knows Plex collections is beyond a mess) In so many ways Emby is so much more customisable and enjoyable to navigate because of this freedom than Plex, yet Plex when viewing a collection is able to sort by all normal filters available while viewing a library (eg Year, name, release date, date added etc.). There are of course other small (big for some people) problems with Emby collections at the moment also that I have seen in other feature requests and I would suggest anyway who upvotes this also search and upvote those as well. The problems specifically 1. the lack of collections in top bar when in tv libraries unlike movies, and 2.Destruction of collection data when moving files on your hard drive (eg if you upgrade your film or tv show and put on a different hard drive, or worse, if you have a hard drive fail and your backup drive isn't a clone and has slightly different file paths.) This is solvable if you use junctions or symlinks, but this is massively time prohibitive to most  people and shouldn't be necessary and is another area where Plex is unfortunately more forward thinking as you can move files, rescan and collections are undamaged. Otherwise l love emby.


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