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Nvidia Hardware Accelleration not working?


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hi guys i 've noticed my hardware encoding doesn't appear to be working. i've looked through the forums and cannot see anything that relates to me although i am a bit of a noob..... i have a gtx1080 with nvenc cores unlocked.. hardware encoding is enabled on my server but it doesn't ever seem to use it. i've attached an ffmpeg log for you guys to read over. let me know if you need any other info.....( i dont use windows remote desktop)....i've tried various combinations of settings with no luck.



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shouldn't it be working tho? i've not seen it work once.... seems like a pointless feature for such high end equipment. im unable to use quick sync on my intel chip due to G-Sync being enabled on my display. this is a little disappointing... plex has one up on you guys in that department. im still never going back lol don't worry.... but still..... i should work just as well as theirs.... my cpu is getting raped with all the transcoding. hopefully you guys will get on top of it soon as this is quite disapointing. thankyou anyway.. i'll en-devour..... your service is still way better than plex... just the hardware thing is a bummer for me....

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shouldn't it be working tho? i've not seen it work once.


It is working just fine, in this example at least. It's not necessary to transcode the video so it's copying the original stream as-is. Why do you think something is wrong?

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ok so... if i had 3 or more transcode at once in plex they would all be using hardware support for the remuxing and decoding etc.... when this was happening my cpu usage would never exceed 20% and my gpu would sit it at around 30% at the most.... when i do the same thing in emby my cpu usage is around 80% or more and gpu 1%.... this is causing my thermals to be very hgh and doesn't leave much overhead on my system for other tasks etc. i have HW acceleration enabled in emby and just thought i would see similar results... is there a way i can get the gpu to be used more often? i understand there can be a dip in quality with gpu transcoding... or atleast there was on plex... ts just ii live in a very hot and humid place and its difficult to keep my equipment cool at the best of times...especially when under such a heavy load...

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 using hardware support for the remuxing

Hi, there is no such thing as hardware support for remuxing, but there is no video encoding happening. It's just a data transfer.

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when my emby is transcoding h.264 avc it does it via software transcode despite having nvdec enabled for h.264 avc in my settings. i would have expected that task to have been assigned to my gpu not my cpu when this is enabled....

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the log i sent you was a 16mbps video being transcoded down to 1mbps video how could it say there is only data being transfered... that doesn't make any sense to me

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the log i sent you was a 16mbps video being transcoded down to 1mbps video how could it say there is only data being transfered... that doesn't make any sense to me


No, the log in the first post is not transcoding down to 1 mbps. It is copying the original video stream as-is. Can you find the appropriate log from that example? Thanks.

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do i have an unsutable file type or something? as i say.. plex allowed my gpu to do alot of the work that was being done when videos were playing... emby does none of this despite me configuring it to do so.... my cpu is taking a huge hit.... how do i go about getting my gpu to take some of the load?

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Ok I missed the 2.txt example that you uploaded in the first post. Do you have Emby Premiere? That is required for hardware acceleration.

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im on the 2 week free trial thing, i have 5 mre days for free before i start paying lol. was trying to milk it for what its worth.... i've attacked another log with a huge movie being transcoded down to 1mb and its all software...


Edited by chris_martin
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Ok, we need to improve our trial facilities, but this feature currently doesn't have a trial so that's the reason for the problem. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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its cool, thankyou for your time once again.... i'll get a premier account and let you know if i have anymore problems.... have a good one

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