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App tries to cast to Chromecast using the server's local instead of the remote address.

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Posted (edited)


I am running an emby server on a remote machine that is behind Cloudflare. Everything works fine until I try to cast to a chromecast device from my android app. The app connects to the chromecast, the chromecast says "ready to cast" but when I click play nothing happens. I went through the chromecast's logs and found that the it receives the LAN instead of the WAN address:


01-22 10:48:47.346  4478  4478 I chromium: [4478:4478:INFO:CONSOLE(441)] App ID: 2D4B1DA3 "Playlist message: {"type":"message","sc":false,"defaultPrevented":false,"kj":true,"senderId":"7525485c-c55a-97c3-5daa-db2b689bbcc2.270:com.mb.android-104","data":{"options":{},"command":"Identify","userId":"XXXXX","deviceId":"XXXXX","serverId":"XXXXX","serverVersion":"","serverAddress":"","receiverName":"Casten Bier"}}", source: https://mediabrowser.github.io/Emby.Chromecast/components/maincontroller.js?v=1579686521316 (441) is the local address in the docker container and the address that is displayed as LAN address in the dashboard. I censored my ids with XXXXX, as I don't know if they could be somehow abused.


Casting works fine when I use emby web with Google Chrome, so it seems to be a problem exclusive to the android app (I cannot try iOS).


My remote address is configured correctly and shows as https://emby.domain.com:443 in the dashboard. Is there anything I could do? Does anyone have the same problem?

Edited by Hoptional

I would try configuring your network settings so that the server dashboard will display a reachable local address.


Thanks for the reply! Reachable from where? The server is running on a remote machine, so I don't see how this would help with the android app not passing the remote address to the chromecast. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Solution

So then you'll want to configure the network settings so that the server is able to realize that the connections are remote.

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Posted (edited)

I see. What criteria does the server use to determine whether the connection is remote or not when I use a reverse proxy? I do provide the X-Forwarded-For header but that doesn't seem to do the trick. It is also interesting that it works fine when i cast from Google Chrome.


Edit: Nevermind, I realized that I do in fact unset the X-Forwarded-For header (must be a leftover directive from when I was testing something). It works now, thank you for leading me in the right direction!

Edited by Hoptional
  • Like 1

Thanks for the feedback.


Thanks for the feedback.

Of course! I'm amazed with the level of support you provide.


Unfortunately, I have another Chromecast related problem, but this time it is not exclusive to the Android app but happens on Google Chrome, too:

Playback works fine if I start casting at 0 seconds, but it does not work when I want to start from any other point in the video. I see an image of the point where the video should start but the image freezes and nothing is played. The same thing happens when I skip forward or backward. In the server dashboard I can see that the playback position is reset to 0s whenever I skip somewhere, but the transcoding position is set correctly.


Of course! I'm amazed with the level of support you provide.


Unfortunately, I have another Chromecast related problem, but this time it is not exclusive to the Android app but happens on Google Chrome, too:

Playback works fine if I start casting at 0 seconds, but it does not work when I want to start from any other point in the video. I see an image of the point where the video should start but the image freezes and nothing is played. The same thing happens when I skip forward or backward. In the server dashboard I can see that the playback position is reset to 0s whenever I skip somewhere, but the transcoding position is set correctly.


Check your If-Range and Range headers are being passed through the proxy.

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Posted (edited)

Let's look at an example. Please attach the information requested in how to report a media playback issue:



I attached the server-, transcode-, and chromecast logs. It works fine when direct playing, but not when direct streaming or transcoding.



Check your If-Range and Range headers are being passed through the proxy.

They should be configured correctly:

proxy_set_header Range $http_range;
proxy_set_header If-Range $http_if_range;

I also tried

proxy_force_ranges on;

but that didn't help either.

Thanks for the support!


Edit: let me know if I should open a separate topic for this issue.

Edit2: Discussion continues here: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/79683-casting-from-mobile-to-shield-doesnt-work-well/page-2&do=findComment&comment=835487





Edited by Hoptional

As a test, does disabling hardware transcoding in server transcoding settings help?

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