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SSL made easier with a reverse proxy


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This is completely new for me. What is RP config?

Here's is the test

Edit: removed pictures, to much info

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4 minutes ago, pettergulbra said:

This is completely new for me. What is RP config?

RP = Reverse Proxy

Maybe show us your Caddyfile (which contains your reverse-proxy config)?


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Hmm.  That looks straightforward enough.  

At this stage I'd try to be looking at the Apple TV end, but I don't know anything about it, so have no suggestions where to look.


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1 hour ago, pettergulbra said:

This is completely new for me. What is RP config?

Here's is the test




You have a lot of private information publicly exposed there, edit your images. 

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49 minutes ago, GrimReaper said:

You have a lot of private information publicly exposed there, edit your images. 

Deleted the pictures :)

Thanks for the info

pwhodges: I'll take a look at the Apple TV, but it works nice without RP.

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Hey I've read a few things now. But there's one thing I don't quite understand. With Let's Encrypt it is necessary to create a txt.record in the domain. Is that no longer necessary with caddy?



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2 minutes ago, atropa said:

Hey I've read a few things now. But there's one thing I don't quite understand. With Let's Encrypt it is necessary to create a txt.record in the domain. Is that no longer necessary with caddy?



I suspect caddy is using it's own web services (maybe via certbot?) to be the approver for any domain ownership challenges required for the TLS certificate creation ? 

An alternative way to proove domain ownership before was to use .txt DNS records - but these are probably no longer required.

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29 minutes ago, rbjtech said:

I suspect caddy is using it's own web services (maybe via certbot?) to be the approver for any domain ownership challenges required for the TLS certificate creation ? 

An alternative way to proove domain ownership before was to use .txt DNS records - but these are probably no longer required.

Thank you for the explanation. Then I'll test it :)

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Caddy simply negotiates with LetsEncrypt - this negotiation requires either port 80 and port 443 to be open to LetsEncrypt.  For situations where that is not possible, or when a wildcard certificate is required, Caddy has plugins for the main registrars which use their apis and a key which the user has requested to contact them for the contents of a special TXT record.

The methods are described in more detail here:



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Some time ago I migrated from Caddy over to Nginx-Proxy-Manager (NPM). Does the same job, but is much simpler with a nice UI to manage everything.

You will need a linux computer with Docker to run NPM, but if you do then I highly recommend taking a look.


Another alternative with a proper UI that is popular is Traefik Proxy.

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2 hours ago, cptlores said:

but is much simpler with a nice UI to manage everything.

Sure, Caddy has no UI (nor do you need to create a login to use it, run docker etc).  But the minimum usable Caddy configuration file for a secure reverse proxy contains just two lines - the text file required to initially set up NPM is more than that.

I'm sure NPM is perfect for some people; but it can't sensibly be described as much simpler than Caddy!


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So. Now I've tested caddy and it works great. Now I have a working alternative if i get banned from cloudflare. Thanks for that :) However, I always get 2 errors displayed in the console. Should this concern me or can it be ignored?

2023/03/13 17:34:01.325 ←[31mERROR←[0m  http.handlers.reverse_proxy     aborting with incomplete response       {"error": "http2: stream closed"}
2023/03/13 17:34:01.868 ←[31mERROR←[0m  http.handlers.reverse_proxy     aborting with incomplete response       {"error": "context canceled"}


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello thanks for sharing this amazing information, I tried to configure everything and I would like to ask if it is possible to change the default ports of caddy (443-80) because I already have a server on those ports active

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51 minutes ago, iPhoneMaxPro said:

I would like to ask if it is possible to change the default ports of caddy (443-80) because I already have a server on those ports active

You should be able to change Caddy's listening ports by adding this to your Caddyfile:

    http_port 880
    https_port 4443

Be sure to then update/add your routers port forwarding to these new ports, eg: External Port 443 > Internal Port 4443 and your Caddy's IP Address

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You will also need to configure the automatic SSL, as the default operation assumes the default posts.


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Thanks a lot for the answer so:

     http_port 8050
     https_port 8005
email mymail@gmail.com


media.mydomain.com {



emby settings:
emby local http
embylocal https
emby remote http
remote emby https

with the reverse proxy no one will ever see my ip address and therefore I'm 100% anonymous right?

on google domain I edit only
"default nameservers"
1. Manage custom name servers
2.Create a new entry and in the host name I leave blank, type "A" ttl "3600" and then I enter my public ip.
3. Add a new entry and write "media" type "cname" ttl "3600" and then enter mydomain.com

Are the steps right? because there is something wrong for me, i opened tpc/udp ports in my modem 8050 and 8005

do I have to set a "AAAA" type as well or is it not necessary?

thank you in advance for the answer

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15 minutes ago, pwhodges said:

Sarà inoltre necessario configurare l'SSL automatico, poiché l'operazione predefinita presuppone i post predefiniti.


could you explain me better? Do I have to do any special steps?

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27 minutes ago, seanbuff said:

these are exactly the steps I have performed but without success, I have a doubt if I will be able to use port 8005 instead of 443 should I enter my domain + 8005 or will it be enough to enter my domain?

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     http_port 8050
     https_port 8005
email mymail@gmail.com


media.mydomain.com {



with this setting I get this error



INFO    using adjacent Caddyfile
Error: adapting config using caddyfile: server block without any key is global configuration, and if used, it must be first

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1 hour ago, iPhoneMaxPro said:

with the reverse proxy no one will ever see my ip address and therefore I'm 100% anonymous right?

No.  The reverse proxy is what answers on your address.  If you want anonymity, then you need to be looking at VPNs, for instance.

1 hour ago, iPhoneMaxPro said:

could you explain me better? Do I have to do any special steps?

I haven't done this myself, so to answer fully I'd have to read the Caddy documentation for you - but it would be easier for you to do that yourself, I guess.  Look at "DNS challenge" on this page (the other challenges still require the standard ports):


There are also helpful discussions in the Caddy forums.


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11 hours ago, iPhoneMaxPro said:

Error: adapting config using caddyfile: server block without any key is global configuration, and if used, it must be first

I think this is referring to the e-mail address being in its own block and not in the first block.  Move the e-mail address to be above " http_port 8050".  I don't know if "http_port*" can be in the global block.  The global block should be the first block.

BTW, you can rid the "http_port*" and use this syntax for the hostname, e.g.:

        media.mydomain.com:<listening port #> { ... }

Do whichever suits your fancy, of course.

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ok thanks, so this structure can fit?

email mymail@gmail.com

media.mydomain.com:8050 {

I get error like this if I give command caddy fmt

Error: Caddyfile:2: Caddyfile input is not formatted

+ this error with I run caddy run

challenge failed
"challenge_type": "http-01" , "problem": {"type": "urn:ietf:params: acme:error: dns"
DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for media.mydomain.
com - check that a DNS record exists for this domain; DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up AAAA for media.mydomain.com - che
ck that a uns record exists for this domainn"
"subproblems": [1}}
2023/04/01 23:51:40.870 ERROR nttD.acme cllent
validating authorization{"identifier": "media. mydomain.com"
"problem": {"type":
media.mydomain.com - heck
LeXISTSTOr unisconain
NXDOMAIN looking up AAAA for media.mydomain.com
"detail": "DNS p
check that a DNS record exists
for this domain", instance"
subproblems": l, "order":
"https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/order /here maybe there is a private number"
"attempt": 1,
2023/04/01 23:51:48.263 INFO
trying to solve challenge
"media.mydomain.com", "challenge_type":

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33 minutes ago, iPhoneMaxPro said:

Error: Caddyfile:2: Caddyfile input is not formatted

This is not an actual error - just a pointless warning which some people on the Caddy forum are irritated by.  It is mainly triggered by using a mix of tabs and spaces, I think.

Given the errors saying it can't find any DNS records, have you actually set up your DNS?


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1 hour ago, pwhodges said:

This is not an actual error - just a pointless warning which some people on the Caddy forum are irritated by.  It is mainly triggered by using a mix of tabs and spaces, I think.

Given the errors saying it can't find any DNS records, have you actually set up your DNS?



these are my settings i have never bought a domain at this point i think i have done something wrong, i hope you understand from the pictures, let me know thank you very much 🙏




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