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Different web interface from different computers

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Hello all.  I'm a new user, generally quite pleased with Emby (was using Plex previously).  But there are a few bits of odd behavior that I was wondering if someone could help me understand.


I've got several computers in the house that I've used to connect to my Emby server, all within my local network.  When I use the web interface from the server computer and a second computer it all looks the same and works the same.  But when I access the server from the web interface from my third computer the interface behaves differently (in a frustratingly bad way).  All computers are Windows 10, all using Firefox, all logged in with the same user.


Here's a screen shot from computers 1 and 2.  Notice that when I took this screenshot I was hovering over the third movie in the list, and it shows a play button and some icons along the bottom (tripple dot, favorite, played), and a selection box in the top left.  There is also a home icon in the very top left corner and a search icon in the very top right.




Here's what I see on Computer 3.  I'm still hovering my mouse over the third movie, but no play button or other menu controls.  And notice the menu bar across the bottom with home, movies, recorded TV.  No home button in the very top left, no search in the top right. 





Can anyone tell me why they are different and how I can control which view I get?  I really like the first, having the select box makes it much easier to group movies into collections, and I like having the context menus when I hover over a movie.  But I can't figure out why I get one or the other.  Both report Emby Web version and both are from the same server (the only Emby server in the house).


I know it might seem like a trivial thing, but it's driving me crazy.... :-)


Thanks in advance!

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It has to do with resolution/screen size as your bottom image show the mobile footer.  At different resolutions or screen sizes  the layout changes.


Zoom and Display Scaling have an effect also.  You can see the image size differences between the two also.

Edited by Happy2Play
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Hmm.  Thanks for the reply, that would make sense.  But I just changed the resolution of computer 3 (the one showing the mobile footer) to be exactly the same as computer 2 and the display did not change.  It still shows the footer.


I wonder...  your description of it as a mobile footer got me thinking.  My laptop has a touchscreen, could this be why it behaves differently?  It recognizes the touch interface?


Thanks for the quick replies and help!  These forums are awesome!

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It recognizes the touch interface?


Yes this will make a difference and could result in you getting the mobile interface.

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  • 1 year later...


Seria interessante a interface mudasse, como é no caso da prime vídeo e Netflix e Disney. Exemplo...

Ao navegar pelos títulos na interface do emby você clica e depois entra a capa e os dados do título e sinopse. Nas demais interface que é muito mais intuitivo e assim.... existem 2 linhas de imagens de capas abaixo, confirme você navega entre os títulos muda em cima... o que muito mais bonito e prático. Luke veja isso nas próximas versões, pois o emby é  muito sofisticado pra ter uma interface assim. Apenas por favor, verifique outras interfaces pra navegar e atualize o emby pra essas novidades. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Obrigado Luke. Ficarei no aguardo dessas novidades a serem implementadas. 2022 com novidades, Wow!!!

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