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Behavior when doing API based scan and folder exists in multiple libraries


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I run manual scans via API instead of using inotify (and in lieu of full library scanning) as everything is hosted on a cloud drive where inotify doesn't work.


I have different users with different needs and I was thinking of separating libraries accordingly where one library might be a super set of another.


For instance:


- Group 1 only cares about 720p/1080p content so they get Library 1.

- Group 2 cares about 1080p content but also 4k content so they get Library 2 which includes Library 1 folders.




This makes management easier for me and would allow me to add basically all content to single TV and Movie libraries per group and I _think_ it would also help prevent multiple items from showing up in the dashboard if the same item is spread out across multiple libraries shared with a single group.


What I'm trying to understand is what will happen if I run an API request such as this one:


/usr/bin/curl -X POST ""-H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"Updates\":[{\"Path\":\"/mnt/movies/Some Movie (2019)\",\"UpdateType\":\"Movies\"}]}" -D -
and folder "/mnt/movies/Some Movie (2019)" that exists in both libraries. Will both libraries be updated or only one of them?



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Both but be aware that including a folder in more than one library is not officially supported at this time. You may find that not all features work properly when doing that.

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Is there a way to avoid items from showing up multiple times if they exist across multiple libraries and a user has access to all of them? It's particularly annoying when resuming as you can start with the 4K version and then trial and error is required to figure out which one it is if you stop and resume later.

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