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This community is here to help you. Here are some guidelines on what information you should supply when reporting issues. Make sure to check out our wiki for more useful information.


Note: Please don't PM the developers or administrators with questions unless specifically directed to do so.  This forum is the best way to get and give help.  We will not be able to respond to PMs for general support.  Thanks.


General Emby Issues

  • Please create a topic in the community.
  • Describe the problem in your own words, including what you're trying to accomplish, and where you're getting stuck. Please mention some specific examples.
  • In your description, be very specific about the steps you took and what happened with the system.  Describe it like you are talking to a blind person - because you are. We cannot see what you did or what happened so be as specific as possible.
  • If you saw error messages, please tell us what they were. If the problem is difficult to explain, please include screenshots that demonstrate the issue.
  • Please attach the server log from the time frame the activity occurred. See the section below titled Emby Server Logs. Please supply the full and complete log file, and avoid attempting to extract relevant sections. Everything is relevant to us. When you attach the log, please also discuss what actions you took, and what the results were.


Media Playback Issues

  • Please create a topic in the community.
  • Describe the problem in your own words, including what you're trying to accomplish, and where you're getting stuck. Make sure to indicate which Emby App you're using. If you're using a browser, then please indicate what browser you're using.
  • If you saw error messages, please tell us what they were. If the problem is difficult to explain, please include screenshots that demonstrate the issue.
  • Please attach the server log from the time frame the activity occurred. See the section below titled Emby Server Logs. Please supply the full and complete log file, and avoid attempting to extract relevant sections. Everything is relevant to us. If a server transcoding log was also generated during playback (in the server logs folder), please attach that as well.

Emby App Issues

  • Please create a topic in the community.
  • Describe the problem in your own words, including what you're trying to accomplish, and where you're getting stuck.
  • If you saw error messages, please tell us what they were. If the problem is difficult to explain, please include screenshots that demonstrate the issue.
  • Include the version of the server that you're using. This information can be found on the front page of the server's web dashboard.
  • Some apps have their own logs (see EMC and Android TV section below).  For others, they may send logs to us automatically if there is a crash.  Please tell us as much about the scenario as you can to help us locate them.


Emby Server Logs


There are multiple ways to access Emby Server log files.

  • Logs can be accessed directly within the server's web interface by navigating to Help -> Logs.
  • Additionally, the front page of the Emby Server Dashboard contains the path to your logs folder.

If you're having difficulty using the web interface, logs can be found at:

Windows: %appdata%\Emby-Server\logs

Emby for WMC Logs


Emby for Media Center (including configurator) logs are found in


If you have a crash ("Invalid Application" error) in EMC/WMC, we will need the .net error from the Windows Event Log as explained here.
Emby for Android TV/Fire TV Logs
These apps have the option to send an app log to us electronically.  You enter the settings page and turn on the "Debug Options".  Now there will be a new tile on your home page settings row labelled "Send Log".  Reproduce your problem and then use this button to send the log.  Then add the following information to your report in the forum:
  • Exactly what you were doing and what happened.  Include the name of whatever you played if it is a playback problem
  • Any options you have changed from their default settings
  • The time you sent the log
  • The name of the Emby user on the local server that was logged in at the time
How to Post Log Files


When posting in a thread, click "More Reply Options", then click "Attach Files". Zip files are permitted but not preferred - please only zip log files if you receive a file size warning. Alternatively, you can upload your log file to Paste2 or a DropBox account and then post the link in your topic. Please avoid linking us to log files that require us to sign into a website.
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