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Missing Poster Art


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This is a problem ive had in the past but a little different. I have a large number of media (movies and TV) that i have Blank Poster art. All the META is there but i cant get a poster image to show up. About a year ago, i was getting no Meta or Poster art but in place of Poster art i would see the title of the Show. Now i just have a black rectangle.  Even if i try to add imagery manually using IDENTIFY, the poster i select never stays. 


I was using OPEN MOVIE DATABASE as my Primary downloader because i prefer the posters that i get from there. I changed the Primary to TheMOVIEDB and now i can manually add poster art yet if iRESCAN i still dont get any.


1.  Any idea how i can fix this so i dont have to manually fix hundreds of missing Posters and use the Open Movie Database i prefer?

2.  Is there a reason i only see 1 poster image choice when i know that these Databases generally have numerous versions (Plex allows you to choose from many available images)




PS.. Any progress on the Cover Art fix yet?


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Not sure how posters work with OMBD as their site says "The Poster API is only available to patrons."
But using The Fanatic as a example Emby returns this.  Others work so I would think there is no image on OMDB.

2019-11-09 17:20:53.833 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 2ms. http://homeserver:8096/emby/Items/126163/RemoteImages?type=Primary&startIndex=0&limit=6&IncludeAllLanguages=false&ProviderName=The%20Open%20Movie%20Database
2019-11-09 17:20:53.882 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://homeserver:8096/emby/Images/Remote?imageUrl=https://img.omdbapi.com/?i=tt7869070&apikey=xxxxxxxx. UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36
2019-11-09 17:20:53.883 Info HttpClient: GET https://img.omdbapi.com/?i=tt7869070&apikey=xxxxxxxx
2019-11-09 17:20:53.934 Error HttpServer: Error processing request
	*** Error Report ***
	Command line: Y:\Emby-Server\system\EmbyServer.dll
	Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
	64-Bit OS: True
	64-Bit Process: True
	User Interactive: True
	Runtime: file:///Y:/Emby-Server/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
	Processor count: 12
	Program data path: Y:\Emby-Server\programdata
	Application directory: Y:\Emby-Server\system
	MediaBrowser.Model.Net.HttpException: MediaBrowser.Model.Net.HttpException: NotFound
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.CoreHttpClientManager.SendAsyncInternal(HttpRequestOptions options, String httpMethod)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.CoreHttpClientManager.SendAsync(HttpRequestOptions options, String httpMethod)
	   at MediaBrowser.Api.Images.RemoteImageService.DownloadImage(String url, Guid urlHash, String pointerCachePath)
	   at MediaBrowser.Api.Images.RemoteImageService.Get(GetRemoteImage request)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceController.GetTaskResult(Task task)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceHandler.ProcessRequestAsync(HttpListenerHost appHost, IRequest httpReq, IResponse httpRes, RestPath restPath, String responseContentType, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost.RequestHandler(IRequest httpReq, ReadOnlyMemory`1 urlString, ReadOnlyMemory`1 localPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
	Source: Emby.Server.Implementations
	TargetSite: Void MoveNext() 
Edited by Happy2Play
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@@Luke should Emby be returning a blank placeholder, instead of nothing at all?  Error is above.



Edited by Happy2Play
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I see a little more of what you are talking about as Identify returns a image but Emby doesn't appear to use that image.


2019-11-09 17:56:31.322 Info HttpServer: HTTP POST http://homeserver:8096/emby/Items/RemoteSearch/Movie. UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36
2019-11-09 17:56:31.323 Info HttpClient: GET https://private.omdbapi.com?apikey=fe53f97e&plot=full&r=json&i=tt7869070
2019-11-09 17:56:31.373 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 50ms. http://homeserver:8096/emby/Items/RemoteSearch/Movie
2019-11-09 17:56:31.380 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET http://homeserver:8096/emby/Items/RemoteSearch/Image?imageUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FM%2FMV5BNmM4ZGM3MGItZjg3My00MDNlLWJhMDktZWFhNDNkNDJjOTA5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzQwMTY2Nzk%40._V1_SX300.jpg&ProviderName=The%20Open%20Movie%20Database. UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36
2019-11-09 17:56:31.381 Info HttpClient: GET https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNmM4ZGM3MGItZjg3My00MDNlLWJhMDktZWFhNDNkNDJjOTA5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzQwMTY2Nzk@._V1_SX300.jpg
2019-11-09 17:56:31.609 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 229ms. http://homeserver:8096/emby/Items/RemoteSearch/Image?imageUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FM%2FMV5BNmM4ZGM3MGItZjg3My00MDNlLWJhMDktZWFhNDNkNDJjOTA5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzQwMTY2Nzk%40._V1_SX300.jpg&ProviderName=The%20Open%20Movie%20Database



But when you select the returned result from OMDB it does not use the "https://m.media-amazon.com/images"above.


2019-11-09 17:59:14.751 Info App: Setting provider id's to item 126163-The Fanatic: {"Imdb":"tt7869070"}
2019-11-09 17:59:14.756 Debug App: Running FFProbeProvider for Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019)-trailer.mp4
2019-11-09 17:59:14.757 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Execute: Y:\Emby-Server\system\ffprobe.exe -i file:"Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019)-trailer.mp4" -threads 0 -v info -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format -show_data
2019-11-09 17:59:14.862 Debug MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Started.
2019-11-09 17:59:14.947 Debug MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Process exited with code 0
2019-11-09 17:59:14.955 Debug App: Running MovieDbImageProvider for Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019)-trailer.mp4
2019-11-09 17:59:14.956 Debug App: Running OmdbImageProvider for Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019)-trailer.mp4
2019-11-09 17:59:14.956 Debug App: Running VideoImageProvider for Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019)-trailer.mp4
2019-11-09 17:59:14.958 Debug App: CodecValidation: FindVideoDecoder - MediaType: h264, Mode: NoHardwareCodecs
2019-11-09 17:59:14.958 Debug App: CodecValidation: FindVideoDecoder - Checking: 'Automatic software decoder' (Priority: 0)
2019-11-09 17:59:14.958 Debug App: CodecValidation: FindVideoDecoder - Check successful - selecting 'Automatic software decoder'
2019-11-09 17:59:14.958 Info App: ProcessRun 'extract-image' Execute: Y:\Emby-Server\system\ffmpeg.exe -ss 00:00:09.455  -f mp4 -i file:"Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019)-trailer.mp4" -an -sn -threads 0 -vframes 1 -vf "scale=600:trunc(ow/a/2)*2,thumbnail=24" -f image2 "Y:\Emby-Server\programdata\cache\temp\27ac964f-9b9c-48d4-9a55-b8b6c7da6fbb.jpg"
2019-11-09 17:59:14.966 Debug App: ProcessRun 'extract-image' Started.
2019-11-09 17:59:15.216 Debug App: ProcessRun 'extract-image' Process exited with code 0
2019-11-09 17:59:15.462 Debug ProviderManager: Saving image to Y:\Emby-Server\programdata\metadata\library\53\53dea54900ae8f00fed55685ef955f24\poster.jpg
2019-11-09 17:59:15.470 Debug App: ApplySearchResult
2019-11-09 17:59:15.470 Debug App: Running FFProbeProvider for Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019).mp4
2019-11-09 17:59:15.471 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Execute: Y:\Emby-Server\system\ffprobe.exe -i file:"Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019).mp4" -threads 0 -v info -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format -show_data
2019-11-09 17:59:15.477 Debug MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Started.
2019-11-09 17:59:15.597 Debug MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Process exited with code 0
2019-11-09 17:59:15.600 Debug App: Running OmdbItemProvider for Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019).mp4
2019-11-09 17:59:15.604 Debug App: Running MovieXmlProvider for Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019).mp4
2019-11-09 17:59:15.605 Debug App: MovieXmlProvider will fetch xml from Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\movie.xml
2019-11-09 17:59:15.652 Debug LibraryMonitor: New file refresher created for Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\folder.jpg
2019-11-09 17:59:15.665 Debug App: Running OmdbImageProvider for Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\The Fanatic (2019).mp4
2019-11-09 17:59:15.665 Debug LibraryMonitor: Resetting file refresher from Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)\folder.jpg to Z:\ServerFolders\Videos\Movies\The Fanatic (2019)
2019-11-09 17:59:15.666 Info HttpClient: GET https://img.omdbapi.com/?i=tt7869070&apikey=fe53f97e
2019-11-09 17:59:15.734 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 204 to Time: 985ms. http://homeserver:8096/emby/Items/RemoteSearch/Apply/126163?ReplaceAllImages=true
The complete identify process does not throw the error above for the OMDB image "NotFound". Resulting in no image at all. Edited by Happy2Play
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As for question 2, I have never seen OMDB return more then one result.  I have no idea if they have more then one poster in their database.

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