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Thinking of going to Emby Premier - Will it do what I need?


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This might not be the right place to post this.  I'm okay with it being moved to another place.  I'm also okay with being told I'm in the wrong forum provided someone suggests the right forum.


I'm a recently retired programmer/DBA.  So, I'm not afraid of tech.


I have a media server running Arch Linux and MythTV.  I used Plex to serve up my movies for a couple years but, switched to Emby several months ago.  Good job on that, the switch was practically painless.  I have 2 HDHomerun HDHR4-2US tuners and I'm running Kodi as my frontend at the TVs.  Suddenly Myth is unable to tune to some channels.  Everything else that can access those tuners can watch those channels fine and I'm not getting any help.  So, I'm thinking it's time to switch to Emby Premier for the DVR features.  MythTV is pretty tricky to keep running anyway.



What I must have:


  • Nothing on Windows.
  • Either Kodi or a frontend that a tech illiterate can use.
  • A good way to schedule recordings from any PC on my LANi.  For Myth, Kodi isn't adequate.  It's possible it will be with Emby.  I don't know.


Strong preferences;


  • Able to run completely on my LAN without an outside internet connection.
  • A way to get directly at the database either through SQL (preferred) or some set of APIs that are reasonably well documented..


I'll probably be moving from Arch to Manjaro as part of this.  Arch is a bit finicky for a server that has my wife anywhere in the loop.


So, can Emby do the above?  Any pointers to migration guides?

Edited by MickeyRat
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Yes you will need Emby Premiere to use the TV functionality but it so worth it!


Myth is a pain in the but to keep running as you've found out, Emby, just works and works well with the HDHomerun devices.  I have two hooked up to cable, 1 to an antenna and also use IPTV as well.  Emby handles this just fine.


You can manage Emby with any browser Mac, PC, Linux, Unix, Android, etc.  Same for looking at your TV schedule and scheduling recordings.  I schedule recordings quite often directly from my Android Phone when out and about.  I can do this from the Emby app on Android or from any of the various web browser I can run on it.


You will need an internet connection in order to pull down meta-data, TV EPG data (what's on and when) as well as to validate your Premiere Key, etc from time to time.  But Emby doesn't require an internet connection to run per say.  By that I mean if you had a 2 or 3 day internet outage you would still be able to use your server inside your own network.


You can access the database via SQL but it's not like using SQL Server, Oracle or any of the relational databases you are probably used to.  Emby keeps it's database locked so in order to play with the db you have to shutdown Emby and then either make a DB copy to work on or access the DB directly. I suggest always making a copy but I bet you know that. :)


Emby uses SQLite as it's database so just google/search for different freeware editors as there are a few you can use.  It support most of the general SQL commands so you'll be right at home with it.


As far as clients go I'd suggest checking out Xiaomi Mi Box S 4K for a budget box $59: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Xiaomi-Mi-Box-S-4K-HDR-Android-TV-with-Google-Assistant-Remote-Streaming-Media-Player/677842593?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227255989920&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=302002573605&wl4=aud-566049426705:pla-539283231293&wl5=9003887&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=677842593&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAjw5fzrBRASEiwAD2OSV1vjJOykk8UulxetYfSrlfrrEwIZ4ZMdRu4bAlfDaE1JhAkN9Ytw3xoCLzwQAvD_BwE


Or the Shield TV for a more expensive high end box $179: https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B075RXV2VR/ref=dp_olp_all_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=all

Either of these run the flag ship Emby for Android TV app which is about the best Emby client there is.


Either of those boxes will make using Emby as easy as using Netflix.  Speaking of which thoses boxes will run the usual apps like Netflix, Pluto, Amazon, ESPN, Weather Apps, etc so they are very easy to use for technically challenged people and they both have a HIGH wife acceptance factor!


Let me know if you have any other questions,



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