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Tutorial: Emby real time monitoring in MacOS


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I found a little utility to forward my NAS's (linux) inotify messages to a receiver on my Mac (where Emby runs) that triggers FSEvents: https://github.com/mhallin/notify-forwarder

This allows changes on the NAS file system to be picked up in real-time by Emby.


Here are some basic instructions:



# Fetch and build
git clone https://github.com/mhallin/notify-forwarder.git
cd notify-forwarder
sudo cp _build/notiify-forwarder /usr/local/bin

# script
sudo emacs /usr/local/bin/notify-forwarder.sh

# Paste the following, specifying your own parent directories
# (subdirectory changes are automatically picked up) and the IP of your emby server

until /usr/local/bin/notify-forwarder watch -c <ip of emby server> <Full path to NAS media parent directory> <Full path to Mac media parent directory>; do
    echo "notify-forwarder crashed with exit code $?. Restarting..." >&2
    sleep 1

# Set permissions
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/notify-forwarder.sh

# Add cron entry as quick and dirty startup trigger 
crontab -e

# Paste
@[member="reboot"] /usr/local/bin/notify-forwarder.sh

On Mac

# Fetch and build
git clone https://github.com/mhallin/notify-forwarder.git
cd notify-forwarder
sudo cp _build/notify-forwarder /usr/local/bin

# script
sudo emacs /usr/local/bin/notify-forwarder.sh

# Paste the following

/usr/local/bin/notify-forwarder receive

# Set permissions 
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/notify-forwarder.sh

# Create plist startup script substituting your <username>
sudo emacs /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.<username>.notify-forwarder.plist

# Paste the following, again substituting <username>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

# Set permissions, again substituting <username>
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.<username>.notify-forwarder.plist
sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.<username>.notify-forwarder.plist

# Load it, again substituting <username>
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.<username>.notify-forwarder.plist

Test It

# Install fswatch (monitoring utility) on your Mac to test
# (I'm using brew)

brew install fswatch

# Run it
fswatch <Full path to Mac media parent directory>

# Touch a file on your NAS and in a short time fswatch should pick it up.
# If it does Emby will (at least the current version)
touch <Full path to NAS media parent directory>/test.txt

Reboot NAS and Mac to confirm scripts run at startup then in Emby reduce the frequency of Scan Media Library to something reasonable.



  • I can't vouch for the propriety of this utility
  • For some reason my Mac script doesn't start on boot, I have to load it manually. If anyone knows why I'd like to know!

Hope this is helpful.


EDIT 8/14/19 - Apparently the forwarder (NAS) is slightly buggy and errors out after a while. I've updated the bash script to respawn it when that happens


EDIT 8/21/19 - Got script to load at startup via LaunchDaemon

Edited by Anon28109
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