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Restrict streaming per user per folder


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Pretty much what the title says...restricting the ability to stream per user per folder. Here's a use case:

My dad has a roku ultra on a 1080p TV.  He has access to my 1080p movies and my 4K movies.

When he searches for a movie, both the 4K and the 1080p version show up and he clicks on the first one, which so happened to be the 4K.  He complained about it buffering all the time so when I investigated, I saw he selected the wrong one. (Since I have the same movie in 4K and 1080p). 

Now you could say "Then dont give him access to the 4K folder".  But I he still wants access to it to download the 4K movies so he can watch on his PC that has a 4K monitor, not to mention my server's hardware can't support streaming as it is so that's out altogether.  

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Hi, why not use our multi-version features to group them? Then we'll automatically choose the most efficient version to play.

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I just looked into this from https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Movie%20naming#multi-version-movies


That's neat and kind of the same but in practicality for users who have thousands of movies, like I, it's not feasible.  
I keep my movies in the following structure
/4K Movies (library)




/HD Movies (library)




I preserve the original file name so I know exactly the quality, resolution, source, group, etc...  That's just how I've always done it as that's how I like it.  

I can understand if you wouldn't implement it as it's kind of similar functionality but with my idea, is they wouldn't even be able to see that library on a certain device (for that user).

(While the network can handle the bandwidth between my dad and I, the CPU is unable to process the 4K stream quick enough so i'm not sure if emby detects processing issues or simply network bandwidth.)

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We also have a feature in the user interface to group them manually, using the multi-select tool. This would allow you to keep them in separate libraries.

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