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Emby for kodi not respecting custom watched and resume points in advancedsettings.xml

Go to solution Solved by sualfred,

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In kodi advancedsettings.xml you can define custom start and end points for watched / resume points.


Im trying to make kodi start a resume point from 15 seconds in the video, so I added this line in advanced settings



<video> <ignoresecondsatstart>15</ignoresecondsatstart>




What am I finding is that even with this as my setting, kodi/emby still needs to wait the default 180 seconds before creating a resume point.


Is this a bug in emby for kodi not respecting the advanced settings xml file, or have I done something wrong? Has anyone confirmed emby for kodi respects this setting in advancedsettings.xml?

  • Solution
Posted (edited)

Configure it in your Emby server webgui in the library setting. These things have to be controlled by the backend.


Emby for Kodi is sometimes a "one-way-synchronisation":

Kodi starts playback -> addon informs the server and tells it when the user stops the playback -> server is updating the item on its end -> server sends new resume point to Kodi -> addon is overwriting the resume point to be in sync with the server.

Edited by sualfred
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Perfect thanks for that clarification, I knew it would be simple, just for the life of my could not find this setting the server. Got it working perfectly now.


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I'm having a similar issue, could you please specify which setting to mofify in particular? I can't seem to find anything along those lines. Thanks!


I'm having a similar issue, could you please specify which setting to mofify in particular? I can't seem to find anything along those lines. Thanks!

Open your Emby server dashboard > libraries > select the library you want to modify this behavior for > manage the library > enable advanced settings. Scroll to the bottom of the list of settings, you should see the option to change this value.

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