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Movies fast forward randomly


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So when I play my 4k movies they randomly fast forward by themselves.

Anyone know what the issue is caused by?




Sometimes the movies dont do this and sometimes they do.


I tested my emby pc server which has good specs and same issue as well 

Edited by Leyst
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Hi there, can you please discuss an example and attach the complete emby server and ffmpeg logs? thanks.

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Hi there, looks like that server is down. Can you please attach the log files instead? Thanks.

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It fast forwards automatically. and it also skips frames.


I tried with my synology and with my pc as a server so it shouldnt be my hardware. 

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@@Leyst around what time in the log file did this occur?


Or can you repeat the test, making sure to make note of when exactly it happened, and then attach a new log file?



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