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Fire Cube Voice Control


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Question.  How many people use the Amazon fire cube? My family has one and we use it regularly.  I know that in the past @@ebr stated that they didn't spend a lot of time on voice control because they weren't sure if people would use it. When it comes to the fire stick I understand that.  Not a lot of people will be talking to their remote control.  But with the fire cube essentially being en echo show device with your tv as the screen we find that we rarely use the remote and mostly just talk to the tv and tell the cube what we want.


The reason for this post is that most all of the apps available work well with voice. Emby however could use some work.  The biggest issue is that when you make a voice request while a movie is playing the fire cube will quickly pause the movie or tv show to better listen to your request. Then it will either return what you asked for or if your question wasn't intended for the cube but another echo it will resume playing the movie or tv show. With emby it will send the pause command when it hears "Alexa" but once the request is finished it doesn't send the resume command and I have to pick up the remote and resume it myself.


However on another note if I specifically ask "alexa pause" during a movie playing with emby it will pause the movie to listen to the request but will not actually pause the movie.  It will continue playing after hearing my request.


Also I know that you have to partner up in some way with amazon to get the following feature request achieved but I just thought I would throw it out there.  When I or my family says something like "Alexa show me kids movies" it will bring up a list of movies from several different apps on the same screen.  It would be really awesome if my emby collection was included in that list.


Thanks just wanted to throw this stuff out there.  I don't see a lot of post referencing the fire cube specifically so I don;t know if this is being addressed.



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Also I know that you have to partner up in some way with amazon to get the following feature request achieved but I just thought I would throw it out there.  When I or my family says something like "Alexa show me kids movies" it will bring up a list of movies from several different apps on the same screen.  It would be really awesome if my emby collection was included in that list.


Google does give us the ability to do this and it works now in the app.  However, for Amazon, I don't think it will ever work because their system is designed to produce results from a single, centralized point - not your local server installation.


As for the other voice commands, this is an area we do have to do some work on for the Fire version of the app.



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