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Errors when loading MBC because the server isn't loaded


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I'm getting an error when loading MBC regarding it not able to connect to the server. I did select the option to have the server start automatically but I think MBC loads while the server is still starting. If I click retry a few times on the error it does connect to the server as it then loads eventually.


Is there a way for the server to load fully before MBC is started? I see there is two options, one to have the "run server at startup" and the other is to manually switch the MB Windows service to automatic I'm assuming. Which should I have starting automatically? Isn't the Windows service the same as the server? confusing.


Before in MB2 I would have it load automatically, put in the startup menu in Windows, so that when the computer restarts because of updates or whatever the MB2 would always load up. Should I be starting the Windows service instead of the starting the other one?


Thanks for any help! I would like this to be as automated as possible.

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You need to set up a system where by the server is started and then the system waits for a bit for it to get up and then MBC is started.  There are a few posts out here that detail some ways to do this (search the server forum).


Or, you could start putting your machine to sleep instead of actually shutting it down.

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Hmm, I guess it's probably not a good idea to have the server on the MBC HTPC anyways now. I could have the server loaded on another computer that's always on. Would that slow down MBC if it has to connect to the server over the network?


Putting the computer to sleep isn't an option. This machine is used as a living room HTPC with just a remote control. I wouldn't want to have to get the keyboard out every time just to play a movie or something. I like the idea of having just to turn on the TV and everything is loaded. Plus, the computer has to restart for updates.

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I'm confused by your last statement as that sounds like you leave the PC on all the time but, if that's the case, you wouldn't be having this issue...


In any case, putting the server on a machine that is always on is the best answer.

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I'm confused by your last statement as that sounds like you leave the PC on all the time but, if that's the case, you wouldn't be having this issue...


In any case, putting the server on a machine that is always on is the best answer.


It is left on all the time, it's just that it will automatically restart when Windows Updates require it to. Then when it restarts it will automatically load the server and MBC. So then when someone turns the TV on they'll have to click the retry on the error message to connect to the server. It's not a huge deal, but it would be nice to have a delay. I'll look in the server forum, is there a thread you know of specifically that talks about this? Thanks!

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Use the procedure described here but use the shortcut for MBC instead of the executable for MBT.

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Sorry, search the forum for "delay start" and you will find it.  That's how I found it.

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