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subrip subtitles are not showing up in webapp


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I'm a noob, dark image was because I paused the episode to take a screenshot sorry.

Strange thing, I tried each version until the and now subtitiles are working if I play episode from the beginning. BUT if I move to play the episode 10 minutes after the beginning, subtitiles will never load

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@@kesm, Can you try please ?

Subtitles are they messed up like in ? If you try again, is it ok ?
Like that we can told to Luke to look it, because on my issue, I didn't have the chance to give to him an example because I deleted by mistake the file with this issue --"



I tried each version until the and now subtitiles are working if I play episode from the beginning. BUT if I move to play the episode 10 minutes after the beginning, subtitiles will never load

And I think it's worse than you think. 
In my case, at the beginning, I got sometimes subtitles and soudently 4min after something like that, no subtitles, you wan try to restart, read from the begin, jump until this timing, the subtitles gones ... 
You will tell me if you get it the same behavior   :)


I'm a noob, dark image was because I paused the episode to take a screenshot sorry.


It happens :P

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Yes I think it's the same proble.


It works if trying from the beginning (in all versions) but doesn't work if you move in time (since, I didn't try a whole episode so I didn't know if subtitles will stop working randomly, I'm currently using plex only for these files...

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  • 3 weeks later...

@@Luke, any news about this issue, near with mine ?

Always happens with latest beta available

Thank you 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, same problem here with version of emby server.


PGS are fine.

SRT are not showing.


How can I go back to a previous version which work fine with SRT ?


EDIT : found ! I have the SRT now showing, because I've donwgraded to

Maybe it's not the best stable version. Which one should I use ?

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I think it's the better version that can have with the stable version. In beta version, it's After that, you will have some trouble

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OK, thanks ! I don't find for linux deb AMD64. Could you tell me where to download it ?

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Mhh sorry, I'm using Docker to install emby, so I specify a version and the magic happens ^^

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Avec l'application Web, lorsque je lis une vidéo mkv, contenant un fichier de sous-titre au format SRT, celui-ci s'affiche uniquement si je regarde le film depuis le début. Dès que je veux naviguer dans le film, ces sous-titres ne s'affichent plus.


Il n'y a cependant aucun problème pour des sous-titres de format PGS.


J'utilise la web app sous Firefox (Linux)

Ma version de Emby Sevrer est (Linux DEB AMD64)


Je crois que ce problème est déjà connu des développeurs.


J'ai tenté de rétrograder, mais alors, il y a d'autres bugs qui apparaissent (par exemple, les sous-dossiers ne sont pas scannés).


Est-ce qu'un correctif est prévu concernant ces sous-titres ?

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J'ai effectué une lecture de la vidéo directement à 40 minutes, et les sous-titres n'apparaissent pas (pourtant, ils sont bien sélectionnés).


Voici les logs (il y avait deux logs de transcodage).


Je n'ai pas de screenshots à poster, car il n'y a rien de particulier à l'écran. Simplement, il n'y a pas de sous-titres.

Il n'y a pas non plus de message d'erreur dans la Web App.



Précision: si je passe par Kodi, en utilisant l'extension "Emby for Kodi", je n'ai pas ce problème.




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I tried with beta, and the problem stil remains...


The two only ways to have subtitles are :


1. Just play the movie from the beginning, and NEVER go forward.

2. Download srt from Opensubtitles (hoping the srt exists on the site...)

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I tried with beta, and the problem stil remains...


The two only ways to have subtitles are :


1. Just play the movie from the beginning, and NEVER go forward.

2. Download srt from Opensubtitles (hoping the srt exists on the site...)


@@Paxalou can you provide a sample video for testing? Thanks.

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