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Hello guys,


I've seen in the past weeks, months more and more people writing about user-rights for there children, family and friends,

and also I have some users who shouldn't get or don't want access to several TV Shows/Movies/Animes.


So I thought about something, which might have been suggest before, but I couldn't find anything about it in the first 5 Minutes, so here we are.


I will explain my thought with TV Shows.

What I thought of was, when you create your "TV Show" Library, that you add not just your main folder where every TV Show is included, but all off them.


So it would look like this:



Currently, if you don't add the /TV Shows, Emby will show you all the Season Folders of the Series in the main view.

If you add it tho and leave it unselected, I will show you nothing and you will see all the selected TV Shows/* in Folders, like this:



So if I don't want my kids (which I don't have) to see how "miserable" life is when you are married and have children, then I simply want to unhook the box of the specific Show.


This is all doable, but would it be possible to show the selected shows in the first/main Tab?

The use-case for this is that you avoid doing micromanagement with Custom/Parental Ratings as well as doing specific Libaries for each User.


I hope you can understand what I mean :P

Thank you for reading and I would be happy to read your feedback.


Best regards,


  • 2 weeks later...

hi @@threeway, are you suggesting this for Emby library setup as a way of excluding it from the library all together? Or would this be in user access permissions?


You can already do what you want with Tags.


@@threeway have you looked at our existing parental control features?

Posted (edited)

@@threeway also consider what that kind of menu would look like with a massive library. Think 10k+ movies for example, a list of 10k items in every users library access configuration.



What you are trying to achieve (block specific items for specific users without a seprate library or having to set parental ratings for every single item) can already be done with tags. In each users configuration, under parental control you can set a list of tags that user cant see. Then just go tag only the items you dont want them having access to with one of those tags. You can tag whole shows/seasons or just individual epps/movies if you like.

Edited by darkassassin07
Posted (edited)

I may have miss-understood.


If I have a library with two folders added to it:



The movies folder contains one movie (a.avi) and the restricted folder contains b.avi



If I then setup a user that has both folders checked in their access config they should see both a and b in their library, but a user that has /movies/ checked and /movies/restricted/ unchecked should only see a. b should be hidden from that second user.


Currently, giving a user access to a folder gives them access to every subfolder of that folder even if the sub folder is also listed and unchecked.


Is that what you were going for @@threeway?



If so, while achieving the same results is possible with content ratings and/or tags+parental controls it would be easier and faster to setup this way. I support the idea. :)

Edited by darkassassin07

I may have miss-understood.


If I have a library with two folders added to it:



The movies folder contains one movie (a.avi) and the restricted folder contains b.avi



If I then setup a user that has both folders checked in their access config they should see both a and b in their library, but a user that has /movies/ checked and /movies/restricted/ unchecked should only see a. b should be hidden from that second user.


Currently, giving a user access to a folder gives them access to every subfolder of that folder even if the sub folder is also listed and unchecked.


Is that what you were going for @@threeway?



If so, while achieving the same results is possible with content ratings and/or tags+parental controls it would be easier and faster to setup this way. I support the idea. :)



This type of setup is currently not supported:


You cannot add a folder that is a sub-folder of an existing library folder. Instead you would have to do something like this:

Posted (edited)

Sure I can, I tested this example before posting it.



This works perfectly fine adding everything in /videos/ and everything in /videos/fire/ to the library.



In a users access config however



This gives the user access to everything in the /videos/ folder aswell as everything in the /videos/fire/ folder.

Edited by darkassassin07

Nonetheless, although it might be working in some situations, it is not officially supported at this time. That means there are likely to be some scenarios in which it does not work correctly.


That was the point of this thread;

To make this sort of setup possible, where the second image would give the user access to items directly from /videos/ but they would not have access to the subfolder /videos/fire/




At least thats how I have interpreted @@ThreeWays post




Thank you for your answers and for the animated discussion you had so far about my topic.


@@threeway have you looked at our existing parental control features?

To answer your question, no I'm not looking for the parental control, since higher categories inherit from lower categories.


What I kinda wish for is a user friendly solution, to give users rights to watch movies.

So we are talking about user permissions, but only for accessing certain files.


Also giving every file/folder tags is maybe for some users too much work.


Therefore it would be easiest if you import the folder */TV Shows/ in a library, that you see the library as shown in my initial post.

You could even go further and even show the Season Folders.


The Administrator could then select for each user individually which movies/series/seasons they can watch.


Since Emby offers such a wonderful admin-view for the libraries, it would be wise to use it to use it to it's full potential.


I hope you can now understand better what I want to say :3

If not, I will try to explain it better once I get home.


Kind regards,



The tags method does not require you to tag everything.


To me scrolling through thousands of items and checking it to allow/disallow permission is just as much work as adding a tag to allow/disallow for a user. 


So should we change Parental controls to Permissions?  To me they are the same are they not?


Yes they are the same thing.


Looking at the tagging system, I do see why it could be problematic:


There is a dropdown menu called 'tag restriction mode' that only has a single option "block items with these tags"


It would be good to be able to switch that to "only show items with these tags". This would basically display completely empty libraries except for specific items that have been given a tag from that list.



You would also want a bit more customization than just applying that to every library. A server owner may want to block certain items from a single library, display different library entirely, and only want a few items available from a third library.


Currently setting up that sort of configuration takes alot of manual work going and tagging and/or rating every piece of content that a user shouldn't have access too is really tedious.

You cant go 'hide everything except this item' instead you have to edit every item you want hidden to specifically hide it.




Hiding content by content rating (especially hiding items with missing ratings) is problematic because it applies to all libraries.


If I have two libraries, both have no parental ratings on their content. I then create a user with access to both libraries but I want everything in the second library hidden except 2 items.


I either have to tag every item I want hidden. Or I have to enable 'hide content with no ratings' then go through and add a rating to everything I want them to see (including every single item in the first library).


Now picture those two libraries each have 10k movies in them.... That a daunting task :(





I believe whats being requested is a whitelist system. 'disallow all content except this list of tags' (and allow tagging the library itself too) but being able to use both in tandem would be great as well:


User 'Guest' can see anything tagged with 'allow' but cant see anything tagged with 'deny'


Library A is tagged with 'allow' but a couple items in it are tagged with 'deny'

Library B has no tags, but a couple items in it are tagged with 'allow'


Everything in library A except the items tagged with 'deny' would then be visible, and only the items tagged with 'allow' in library B would be visible.


There is a dropdown menu called 'tag restriction mode' that only has a single option "block items with these tags"


It would be good to be able to switch that to "only show items with these tags". This would basically display completely empty libraries except for specific items that have been given a tag from that list.

This is coming! :D


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