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A-Z Sortierung


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ich fand meine Filmliste bei der Verwaltung sehr unübersichtlich, wenn hunderte Filme darin sind.

Ich habe nun überlegt es so zu strukturieren (was haltet ihr davon?)







Bei Filmen funktioniert es weiterhin (A-Z wird bei der Bibliothek-Erstellung nicht beachtet), aber bei Serien werden die Ordner A-Z erfasst und nicht die Serien-Ordner.



Kann mir bitte jemand helfen, danke sehr

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In der Beta funktioniert dein Vorhaben auch mit Serien. In der Stable musst du die einzelnen Unterorden (A, B,...) als separate Pfade der Serienbibliothek hinzufügen.

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Hello Luke,


I don´t know what there is more to say, its an easy error, the A-Z feature is obviously not in the new latest version any more.


You added a feature to sort series in A-Z folders too, not only movies ... in the latest earlier version. But now in in don´t work any more.

It only shows the sorting folders A-Z with a lot of series i don´t have.

For exampe for folder M it shows me M.A.S.H - but not my series within the M-Subfolders


So i can´t watch any of my series at the moment.




Edited by speedy78
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CoverArt is a plugin right ? I don´t use this plugin, its not installed / shown under "my plugins".


I didn´t change anything in the configuration since the last 2-3 versions, so the configuration couldn´t be the cause.

In movies section the A-Z sorting is still working - so it can´t be in cause with some coverart configuration, too.

The cause is some change / bug by development in the last version relating to series - not movies section.

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You ask me questions ... no specially, the default one I think.

You see it on the screenshot, too - "Sortieren nach hinzugefügt am"

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I tried it, but it was really clearly, thats not the solution.


Why should a sorting problem could fix the bug in the latest version, that it don´t index the series in the A-Z folder structure and only index the A-Z folders itself - thats creates this mess shown on the screenshot.

I don´t have 90% of the shown series.


I explain it more clearly, it only index the series in folders, which are no series, thats only for A-Z sorting









My alphabet folder structure to sort the series to don´t have 100 folders in main folder. I sort for example "Game of Thrones" under:

G\Game of Thrones


But it index only "G" itself, and not the folder Game of Thrones


On the version before the latest version, the bug didn´t exist.

And on the movies, it still works, only in series not

Edited by speedy78
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But you're sorting by date added, right? That is different from A-Z. If you change the sorting to sort by Title, then you'll see the A-Z picker again.


Sorry I don't quite understand the issue.


@@Happy2Play do you?

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I don´t know, why is so difficult to understand my problem.

My problem is not sorting in frontend, it generell no sorting problem in view / browser / app something else.


How I told above and the whole tread is all about, you added something in the emby software 2-3 version ago, thats is possible to have a folder structure like my example above. On movies that worked some time longer, but series only since 2-3 version.

But it don´t index the series like "Game of Thrones"


It shows only the sorting folder "G" not the "Game of Thrones"

For "G" is searched then some shit on the Series Databases and then the result is, that it shows a serie i don´t have.


Another try, alphabet has 26 letters.

My problem is, it index only 26 series and that is "A,B,C,D...Z" - that are no placeholders for anything.

It tries to index the "G" Serie folder, but the folder A-Z are only for sorting, nothing more, A-Z are no series.

The series are in subfolders of A-Z

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You have basically only have to look at the 2 screenshots to understand all.

screenshot 1 = the result

screenshot 2 = the folder structure on filesystem on the harddisk


It makes "M" folder to serie "M.A.S.H" - but ignores the for exampe 20 subfolders in folder "M"

It should only add the subfolders in "M", not "M" to my bibliothek.

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@@Luke it's like this:

The user has a tv show library with a single path pointing to "volume1/medien/serien".

The folder "serien" then has subfolders for every letter of the alphabet. Finally inside those alphabet subfolders are the tvshows actually.

The problem is Emby identifies the alphabet subfolders as tv shows!

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So you are saying your folders are being identified as a series instead of the actual nested folder. I have only did limited testing on a a-z folder structure on TV Series but have only run into one issue with a "1!@#$%" folder or "0-9" as it is always identified as a series folder. So when that happens everything within that sub-folder is scrambled.








2019-08-07 14:47:41.877 Info HttpClient: GET https://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=1!%40%23%24%25&language=en
2019-08-07 14:47:42.002 Info HttpClient: GET https://www.thetvdb.com/api/B89CE93890E9419B/series/349629/all/en.zip
2019-08-07 14:47:42.098 Info HttpClient: GET https://api.themoviedb.org/3/find/349629?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&external_source=tvdb_id
2019-08-07 14:47:42.660 Info HttpClient: GET https://api.themoviedb.org/3/configuration?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669
2019-08-07 14:47:42.797 Info App: MovieDbProvider: Finding id for item: 1!@#$%
2019-08-07 14:47:42.963 Info HttpClient: GET https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/tv?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&query=1!%40%23%24%25&language=en
2019-08-07 14:47:43.277 Info HttpClient: GET https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/75219?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&append_to_response=credits,images,keywords,external_ids,videos,content_ratings&language=en&include_image_language=en,null
2019-08-07 14:47:43.539 Info HttpClient: GET https://private.omdbapi.com?apikey=fe53f97e&i=tt7235466&plot=short&tomatoes=true&r=json

​Each series in nested folder has season x folders.  Forgot to enable nfo with media on this library, as you would see a tvshow.nfo with all the miss identified series info..




So @@speedy78 you will need to go over specific examples and show folder content, structures and naming schemes.

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I don´t know what your proof should tell me.

I don´t have 0-9 series to test it on my system.

Its possible the bug only affect to A-Z, which is the normal case !

You have to test it from beginning to end, what do you mean with is "identified as a series folder".

Your screenshot don´t shows thats a Series in 0-9 folder is recognizes as the Serie 123 and then is shown with the correct Image, Description and so on.

I only see a folder "1" - that didn´t proof anything, because I don´t want to see "1" - i want to see the series name, the cover.

It doesn´t worked throug the whole process - its no proof.


I know thats not working here since the last update, I must know it, I am sitting in front of the system every day - look at the screenshot.

1 Version ago it worked (see my comment from May), but since the latest version not.

No more movies, no more series, no changes made, just installed the update to the latest version !

If it worked on the version ago, then there is no error in structure, naming schmeme and so on - its a error in emby, nothing else.

You developers must know, what was changed between the latest two versions that affect to this !


Emby only recognize the A-Z folder, which are no series.

Emby has to look the subfolders of A, the subfolders of B, the subfolders of C and so on only - not A, B, C.

A is no serie, B is no serie ...


I gave you more than enough information, screenshots, examples - what do you want more ?


a series example for G is:

/volume1/Medien/Serien/G/Game of Thrones (2011-2019)


but emby only recognizes /volume1/Medien/Serien/G - NOT the subfolders in this like /volume1/Medien/Serien/G/Game of Thrones

an name that "G" shit to "Gandii Baat"


I am a computer scientist, I know what I am doing. I have experience in software testing and so on and it there is no change on my emby, only installing the latest version.

If it earlier worked right, then it has to work with the new version again !

I hate it, that you want to blame me instead of searching the error in your software.

Search the error on your Software, not try to find the error by me.

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And one more, if I move the subfolder directory from for example "A" to main directory "/volume1/Medien/Serien/" the series is shown correct.

But it should be recognized as "/volume1/Medien/Serien/A/Serien-Name" too - not only as "/volume1/Medien/Serien/Serien-Name"


I moved the series back from "/volume1/Medien/Serien/Serien-Name" to "/volume1/Medien/Serien/A/Serien-Name" - and the series was gone again, I did a rescan of the "Bibliothek" - but is not there any more.

All that proofs, your emby software don´t recognize the subfolders, but it recognize the series without A-Z folders.

It couldn´t me not more clearly - that it is a emby software bug !

Its your turn now ...

Edited by speedy78
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