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Nvidia Shield playback stopping on one account


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I have Emby Running on Unraid, all up to date, playback device is an Nvidia Shield.


I have an account created for my son that only has access to a few Libraries, no other restrictions in place.

Occasionally when he watches content it will stop playing go back to the menu and give an error. Unfortunaltey I can't rember the exact text but it is along the lines of "no playable item found" If I get the error again I can update the post. 


This issue does not happen on my account, but I also dont watch content from the kids libraries, however this happens with fils and TV shows, so it is not limited to one library.


Server log attached. The content that failed begins at 18:10:34




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Hi, to rule this out being user related, can you try the exact same video from  your user account? Thanks.

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Once the issue has happened I can start the same content on the same account and it will play fine. Its not a case of it always happening with the same content on the same account. But I have also tried the same title on my account and it played fine.

My account is isues for at least three or four times more content and never has this issue, so It does seem to be isolated to his account only.

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Just managed to catch it do this again.


The correct error given on screen is "No Playable Items"


Log attached





Edited by dancaswell
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Ah, missed the Android TV section on the reporting instructions, Will enable debug and send the next time it occurs.

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Normally I would pick the user, then the library > Title. Then the ususal method of playback is to then pick play and then shuffle.

I wonder if the shuffle has somehting to do with it as this is the only time it gets used? Would it be worth not shuffling for a few days and see if the issue persists?

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If you navigate to the main page for a TV show, then select play all. You are then given the option to shuffle, which we usually use as the kids have watched every episode many times. 

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After a few days testing I am failry certain this issue only happens when ny sort of playlist is used. so selecting play all and then selecting either shuffle or play all options.

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You are doing this from the playlist screen - where you have both "Play All" and "Shuffle All" buttons?


I cannot reproduce any issue there with my playlists.

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I'm not using playlists, perhaps my choice of wording was bad. 


If I go TV Library > Pick a show > Play All. Then choose shuffle or play all this issue will eventually happen.

If I go TV Library > Pick a show > Pick a season > Pick and episode > Play it doesn't happen.

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Okay, I cannot reproduce that problem either.  It may be related to specific shows somehow or, it could just be an intermittent network issue.


When you do that, the app goes and asks the server for the list of shows in a shuffled order.  If some error occurs trying to retrieve that list, you will get the message you referenced (Unable to determine items to play).


The next time it happens, try the same thing again right after it.  Does it work then?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick followup. 


I deleted and re-created the user with the same settings and the issue appears to have gone. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same problem, the item works perfectly fine if I just hit play (and resume) again. Will try to gather a log the next time it happens.

I am just launching an episode by selecting from the respective season folder. Happened at several shows I suppose.

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I have the same problem, the item works perfectly fine if I just hit play (and resume) again. Will try to gather a log the next time it happens.

I am just launching an episode by selecting from the respective season folder. Happened at several shows I suppose.


@@Coxeroni can we look at an example? Please attach the information requested in how to report a media playback issue. thanks !

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I will try to do so. I am not watching a lot of Emby these days so it could take me awhile to reproduce this issue. I might first dig into the logs to see what it said during abort.


Edit: Log too big to open, trakt spam and library update killed it ;) Will try for the next occurrence...

Edited by Coxeroni
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I will try to do so. I am not watching a lot of Emby these days so it could take me awhile to reproduce this issue. I might first dig into the logs to see what it said during abort.


Edit: Log too big to open, trakt spam and library update killed it ;) Will try for the next occurrence...



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I have the same problem, the item works perfectly fine if I just hit play (and resume) again. Will try to gather a log the next time it happens.

I am just launching an episode by selecting from the respective season folder. Happened at several shows I suppose.


Next time this happens, see if the item is direct streaming and, if so, use playback correction to make it transcode and see if the problem goes away.


If it does, then this is the Nvidia firmware bug that they say they are going to fix soon.

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