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Read Only

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I would really like to get a read only feature to include media on a read only Samba Share (NAS).



As a security feature, I only have read access to my media files via Samba on a NAS. If I would like to update or change anything I use a different protocol (let's say SFTP). This is to make sure nobody can delete or overwrite my media. As I like to try new stuff (emby for example) I don't want it to write cache files, images or whatever to the media folder on the NAS. I do setup a new VM or in this case a real computer with linux and install emby on it.

I use this setup with Kodi and PLEX without any problems. Both are installed on an other machine accessing the NAS only for media files. However...


Emby is great so far but can't really handle read only access. I cannot delete playlists, it just does nothing at all. Can't delete movies or series from the WebEnd to afterwards reindex the whole folder. It says It does not have write access to the media. Renaming the folder to whatever, try to delete it in emby (sucess!) and rename it back to what it was is my current workaround.

Shouldn't Emby just be a website, streamer, content db with images, playlists and collections. Why is a write access needed?





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Hi.  Write access is not needed, unless you wish to modify your files.


I really don't understand your request as you are asking us to bypass the system level permissions you have created by deleting files from a read-only share.

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Hi ebr,


As I try to remove a movie I got this message here:

"Fehler beim Löschen des Mediums vom Emby Server. Bitte stelle sicher dass der Emby Server Schreibzugriff auf den Dateiordner hat und versuche es erneut."

It's german and like "Can't delete media from Emby Server. Please make sure that Ebmy Server has write access to the files and try again". Looks like write access is needed for what ever reason... Workaround works though.


At least I get an error message. Deleting a playlist is not possible at all. No message or error, playlist stays as it is.

BR martin

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Yes, write access via the underlying OS is required in order for us to write to your drives.  There isn't a lot we can do about this.


You are asking Emby to go through a locked door.

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Alright, I can understand that emby needs access to cache images, covers and stuff but for deleting an entry in a local db? What would you like to write on the remote drive? I do not want to delete the file I just want to remove it from the emby db. :blink: 

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That isn't how Emby works.  You don't have to import and manage items in the database.  Emby automatically does this based on the file locations you point it to.  If you want something to not be seen by Emby, then it needs to not be in the locations it monitors or you need to use the ".ignore" file approach.


As the warning message would have said when you tried to delete these items - it would delete the media from the file locations.

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If you have a Samba mounted share, why not just edit your fstab so that the share is read-only?


//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/Emby /mnt/Emby cifs ro,username=embynas,password=embynaspassword,uid=emby,gid=emby 0 0

Or change the ownership to the share so that the user and group owners are different than what Emby uses to access the shares and then user file/directory permissions to only allow read-only access


//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/Emby /mnt/Emby cifs rw,username=embynas,password=embynaspassword,uid=otheruser,gid=othergroup,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775,vers=3.0,_netdev,nofail 0 0
I removed that ability of the users to delete movies from Emby itself.  I handle the edit of my share from windows and the NAS itself so there isn't a worry of someone accidentally deleting something.
Hope this helps..
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Hi JaScoMa,


The share is read only for everyone. It's not about the user that could accidentally delete files. I do not need a tool handling my data I can do that by myself. Besides manual naming is massively required to have the scraper working. Maybe emby is just not the right tool for me :rolleyes:

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That isn't how Emby works.  You don't have to import and manage items in the database.  Emby automatically does this based on the file locations you point it to.  If you want something to not be seen by Emby, then it needs to not be in the locations it monitors or you need to use the ".ignore" file approach.


As the warning message would have said when you tried to delete these items - it would delete the media from the file locations.

Another question concerning the same topic.

I create a playlist / collection with movies. The playlist can be created thus it must be somewhere on the emby server as it can't be created on the read only share. Playlist is working and I can add and remove movies from it.


How can I delete the playlist? When I do so i do not get a GUI feedback and the playlist is still there. Should this not be changed at some point that the emby server that holds the playlist can CRUD all it's playlists?


I will try...

1.) to remove all entries from the playlist and check if I can delete it then. <- Worked...

2.) I move the last entry in the playlist and try to delete the playlist then.


BR Martin


Releated post: 61313-playlists-not-getting-deleted/

Edited by Martin87
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What happens when you try to delete the playlist?

Hi Luke,

When I try to remove the playlist with movies in it it (from the read only share) it just does not delete the playlist. No Message. But removing all movies will also delete the playlist by removing the last entry.


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Can't find anything special in the log. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place. is the client, 101 the server. I just tried to delete the playlist with Firefox, Chrome is also not working.

2019-02-21 07:36:33.707 Info HttpServer: HTTP DELETE UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Safari/605.1.15
2019-02-21 07:36:33.709 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 204 to Time: 2ms.
Edited by Martin87
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