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Typo in FreeBSD installation instructions


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There's a typo in the instructions found on the installation webpage here: https://emby.media/freebsd-server.html


when running 

pkg add -f https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Releases/releases/download/

the service will be installed in 


 as opposed to 


Therefor, starting and stopping the service using 

service emby-server

will not work. To fix this, you have to pass the -R flag to the service command, as such:

service -R emby-server start

I hope this clears up any confusion anyone might have and hopefully it gets fixed on the instructions webpage.



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FWIW, the -R flag is only needed for situations where one might find a service with the same name installed by both the base system and the ports/pkg trees as service checks both locations.


However, the freebsd install page has regressed to the 3.6 beta pkg instead of

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FWIW, the -R flag is only needed for situations where one might find a service with the same name installed by both the base system and the ports/pkg trees as service checks both locations.


However, the freebsd install page has regressed to the 3.6 beta pkg instead of

Wait, this is odd. It works without the -R flag now. Maybe I forgot to delete the one from the pkg repo before installing using pkg add which resulted in two versions? Sorry about the confusion


I assumed the -R was required because of the help menu for service

[root@[member="emby"] /]# service

service [-j <jail name or id>] -e
service [-j <jail name or id>] -R
service [-j <jail name or id>] [-v] -l | -r
service [-j <jail name or id>] [-v] <rc.d script> start|stop|etc.
service -h

-j      Perform actions within the named jail
-e      Show services that are enabled
-R      Stop and start enabled /usr/local/etc/rc.d services
-l      List all scripts in /etc/rc.d and /usr/local/etc/rc.d
-r      Show the results of boot time rcorder
-v      Verbose
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its only purpose is to restart anything already installed. Not really something you really need to use as it restarts everything.

For one service you only need "service $name start/stop/restart, or in the case where you don't have them configured to run, onestart/onestop/onerestart

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You should never need to use flags for service except for spawning processes inside of a jail. And that's only there so service knows not to run something on the host system.

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