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IPban for Emby


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I have found program called IPBan that will automatically block IP address after too many failed login attempts occur in emby.


Download IPBan from: https://github.com/DigitalRuby/IPBan


Edit "Custom log entries, Windows" in IPBan.dll.config: PathAndMask and Regex


to (example)


There are many more good settings to explore in IPBan.dll.config


I have tested and that really works..


All credits goto the program creator!



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  • 6 months later...

Thanks - just had a play with this and it looks as if some of the XML has changed as I could not get it to work with the example given above.


My example below works on Beta


So in my setup, it pools embyserver.txt every 10 seconds and if it logs an AUTH-ERROR more than 5 times for the same IP address, then that IP gets banned for 60 minutes, then 24 hours, then 1 week etc.
Devs - If you could possibly incorporate the 'username' into the same line somewhere, then it would be even more useful and log this in IPBan.  Currently, emby logs this as two lines.
2019-08-22 00:02:06.446 Info UserManager: Authentication request for <username> has been denied.
2019-08-22 00:02:06.447 Warn HttpServer: AUTH-ERROR: - Invalid user or password entered.
Could it possibly log something like this instead ?
2019-08-22 00:02:06.447 Warn HttpServer: AUTH-ERROR: - <username> - Invalid user or password entered.
Again - Thanks to the OP and DigitalRuby for IPBan  :)
Edited by rbjtech
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  • 5 months later...

Hey, thanks for the great info!  I've been trying to understand how this works and I have a question.


As best I can tell, when an IP address gets identified by IPBan as needing to be blocked, it creates a new Windows firewall rule.  Is that correct?


So here's my question.  I'm running Symantec Endpoint Protection as my firewall/antivirus on my Windows 10 computer that is running my Emby server.  Symantec seems to take control of the Windows Firewall and disable it.  So will IPBan work with this setup, or will it be creating rules that never get used? 


Thanks in advance for any guidance!

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I have read through the ipban GitHub, you can see here:




That in windows it create new forward policy. I'm new to how windows firewall works, but if your firewall application reads these policies from those registry entries to create it's own protection then it it should work.


Just a guess.



Ipban has some kind of pro version, which might be how you use third party fire wall programs. You'd have to read their site to be sure.

Edited by chef
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Hey, thanks for the great info!  I've been trying to understand how this works and I have a question.


As best I can tell, when an IP address gets identified by IPBan as needing to be blocked, it creates a new Windows firewall rule.  Is that correct?


So here's my question.  I'm running Symantec Endpoint Protection as my firewall/antivirus on my Windows 10 computer that is running my Emby server.  Symantec seems to take control of the Windows Firewall and disable it.  So will IPBan work with this setup, or will it be creating rules that never get used? 


Thanks in advance for any guidance!


I am almost certain your 3rd party firewall is going to adhere to standard windows firewall requests - or any program that adds rules during an installation for example (such as Emby ..) will not work with your 3rd party firewall.


Therefore I see no reason why IPBan will not work just fine.

Edited by rbjtech
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  • 11 months later...

It's a long time since I had something to usefull to post regarding of IPBan.

This regex is still working with IPBan 1.5.9 like that rbjtech has posted before:


Now for Cloudflare user's it's possible to ban IP  directly by using cloudflares api and IPBan together!!

IPBan uses Windows Firewall to block fraffic but Cloudflare users benefits if Cloudflare Firewall does to the job before traffic goes to directly into origin server where emby is running.

From ipban.config edit:

<add key="ProcessToRunOnBan" value="C:\Program Files\IPBan\IPBan.exe|###IPADDRESS###"/>
<add key="ProcessToRunOnUnban" value="C:\Program Files\IPBan\IPUnBan.exe|###IPADDRESS###"/>

File called IPBan.exe will Ban blocked IP at using Cloudflares Firewall and IPUnBan.exe deletes the record.

Source for IPBan.exe

# ScriptPath
if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.CommandType -eq "ExternalScript") {
    $ScriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
} else {
    $ScriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path ([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()[0])

$IPBlock = "$args".TrimStart('|')

Write-Host "Blocking: $IPBlock"
"C:\Program Files\PHP\7.4\php.exe" "$ScriptPath\blockip.php" $IPBlock

Source for IPUnBan.exe

# ScriptPath
if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.CommandType -eq "ExternalScript") {
    $ScriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
} else {
    $ScriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path ([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()[0])

$IPBlock = "$args".TrimStart('|')

Write-Host "UnBlocking: $IPBlock"
"C:\Program Files\PHP\7.4\php.exe" "$ScriptPath\unblockip.php" $IPBlock

I Used Win-PS2EXE.exe to create (compile) these files. Also you will need php.exe to be located in dir "C:\Program Files\PHP\7.4\"

And for php blocking code I have used API using php script.

In attachments I have source code for this php files.

There you need to (only) edit from both files (get details from Cloudflare):

$authemail = "--mail--";
$authkey   = "--authkey--";

Put  these php files in the same directory as IPBan (like C:\Program Files\IPBan).

Now if ewerything is ok -> when IPBan blocks IP,  then Cloudflare Firewall block same IP also!

Less traffick that passes to your origin!




Edited by XSR
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I know that last post from mine is difficult to understand, but it's true and mine config  is working..

I always say to my friends "That is high Teck, if you get it running" :)


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Very cool ! :) You can never have too many firewalls ! 🤪

It's interesting that Cloudflare must effectively have a virtual firewall for every 'user' in order to be able to do this - as clearly you would have no authority banning any IP globally.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slight update to the Regex now actually as I noticed that this was no longer capturing failed remote login attempts.

It appears the log format has changed slightly - it was 'Warn HttpServer:' but has now been changed to 'Warn Server:' (no Http)

So the config file is now -


example -

from my embyserver.txt file -

Warn Server: AUTH-ERROR: - Invalid username or password entered

After 5 tries - IPBan now blocks that remote IP on the Windows firewall until I restart IPBan.

2021-02-02 18:43:25.4747|WARN|DigitalRuby.IPBan.IPBanLog|Login failure:, , Emby, 2
2021-02-02 18:43:55.6663|WARN|DigitalRuby.IPBan.IPBanLog|Login failure:, , Emby, 4
2021-02-02 18:44:10.7715|WARN|DigitalRuby.IPBan.IPBanLog|Login failure:, , Emby, 5
2021-02-02 18:44:10.7878|WARN|DigitalRuby.IPBan.IPBanLog|Banning ip address:, user name: , config black listed: False, count: 5, extra info:
2021-02-02 18:44:10.8565|WARN|DigitalRuby.IPBan.IPBanLog|Updating firewall with 1 entries...
2021-02-02 18:44:25.9790|WARN|DigitalRuby.IPBan.IPBanLog|Login failure:, , Emby, 5
2021-02-02 18:44:25.9885|WARN|DigitalRuby.IPBan.IPBanLog|IP, , Emby ban pending.

Now working again. :)


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  • 4 months later...

A regex used to detect IPs generated from invalid login and forbidden login attempts. Forbidden entries are created in embyserver.txt where usernames have their "Allow remote connections" option unchecked or denied.

Kudos go to AS who I don't believe is on this forum.

Valid for Emby v4.6.3.0



Example extracts from embyserver.txt.

Warn Server: AUTH-ERROR: <ipaddress> - Forbidden.
Warn Server: AUTH-ERROR: <ipaddress> - Invalid username or password entered.

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, crusher11 said:

Is it possible to run this, or something similar, on a Synology setup?


fail2ban is the unix version of IPBan - not sure if it has a synology version but I believe it's OS is unix based so worth a look. 

I would also investigate if it's something your reverse proxy can do as banning/blocking would be better done on the perimeter of the network anyway, rather than using the synology firewall.



Edited by rbjtech
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Well one thought I did have, if there is no Synology option, is I could run the Windows version with the CloudFlare code @XSR posted and that would theoretically work, if I pointed it to the right location for the log, right? Which achieves that. Requires my computer to be on, but that's true more often than not anyway.

Although obviously running something on the Synology would be a better option.

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17 hours ago, crusher11 said:

Well one thought I did have, if there is no Synology option, is I could run the Windows version with the CloudFlare code @XSR posted and that would theoretically work, if I pointed it to the right location for the log, right? Which achieves that. Requires my computer to be on, but that's true more often than not anyway.

Although obviously running something on the Synology would be a better option.

Use SMB to mount emby log folder (with letter) from Synology into your computer and edit IPBan's "PathAndMask" to point that mounted letter and emby log file. Then Cloudflare's IP banning works in realtime when your computer is on and emby traffick is routed trough Cloudflare.

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  • 9 months later...

Heres a better way to push bans to Cloudflare... no need for php, no need for converting to exe, purely done via powershell


if($ip -like '*:*') {
      Write-Host 'IPv6 Address! Cancelling operation'

$BODY = @{'mode' = 'block'
    'configuration' = @{
        'target' = "ip"
        'value' = "$ip"
    'notes' = 'IPBan'
$Jsonbody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/user/firewall/access_rules/rules" -Method 'POST' -Body $JSONBODY -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{'Accept'='application/json';'X-Auth-Email'="$email";'X-Auth-Key'="$apikey"}

Still working on a clean way to unban

Edit; threw this together,, might not be the cleanest way to get the job done, but it works fine


if($ip -like '*:*') {
      Write-Host 'IPv6 Address! Cancelling operation'

$content=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/user/firewall/access_rules/rules?page=1&per_page=1&mode=block&configuration.target=ip&configuration.value=$ip&match=all&order=mode&direction=desc" -Method 'GET' -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{'Accept'='application/json';'X-Auth-Email'="$email";'X-Auth-Key'="$apikey"} 
$id=$content.tostring() -split "[`r`n]" |
   select-string "id" |
     Select-Object -First 1 | 
        % {$_-replace ('"id": "')} |
          % {$_-replace ('",')} |
            % {$_-replace (" ")} 
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/user/firewall/access_rules/rules/$id" -Method 'DELETE' -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{'Accept'='application/json';'X-Auth-Email'="$email";'X-Auth-Key'="$apikey"} 

And this is how I call these scripts within IPBan

C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe|C:\path\to\script.PS1 ###IPADDRESS###


Edited by Turbofiero
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Ok so the documentation on cloudflares API is a little misleading, it does actually support both IPv4 and IPv6, so heres scripts that will also ban IPv6 addresses, along with logging added


# Cloudflare block IP
$logdate=Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd
# Replace API key & Email address
Write-Output "$date Ban task started" >> $logfile
# Check for IP arg
if (!$args[0])  { Write-Output "$date Missing IP, Quitting..." >> $logfile
Write-Output "$date Attempting to block $ip" >> $logfile
# Check if IP is IPv4 or IPv6
if($ip -like '*:*') { $ipv="ip6" }
	else { $ipv="ip" }

$BODY = @{
    'configuration' = @{
        'target' = "$ipv"
        'value' = "$ip"
    'mode' = 'block'
    'notes' = "IPBan $date"
$Jsonbody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json
# Actual ban operation
Try { (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/user/firewall/access_rules/rules" -Method 'POST' -Body $JSONBODY -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{'Accept'='application/json';'X-Auth-Email'="$email";'X-Auth-Key'="$apikey"}) }
         catch {
            $message = $_
            Write-Output "$date $message" >> $logfile
            Write-Output "$date Cloudflare API ERROR, Quitting..." >> $logfile

Write-Output "$date Task Finished Blocked $ipv $ip" >> $logfile


# Cloudflare unblock.ps1 
$logdate=get-date -format yyyy-MM-dd
# Replace API keys, Email address (AbuseIPDB API key not required)
$score = 40
Write-Output "$date Unblock task started..." >> $logfile
# Check for IP arg
if (!$args[0])  { Write-Output "$date Missing IP, Quitting..." >> $logfile
Write-Output "$date Starting unblock of $ip" >> $logfile
# Check against AbuseIPDB, Helpful so as not to unban known abusive IPs, Remove "<#" and "#>" to use this
Try { $confidence=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://api.abuseipdb.com/api/v2/check?ipAddress=$ip&maxAgeInDays=90" -Method 'GET' -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{'Accept'='application/json';'Key'="$abuseipdbapikey"} |
    Select-Object -Expand Content|
     % {$_-replace ('.*abuseConfidenceScore":|,"country.*')} }
         Catch {
            $message = $_
            Write-Output "$date $message" >> $logfile
            Write-Output "$date AbuseIPDB API ERROR" >> $logfile
Write-Output "$date Confidence score: $confidence" >> $logfile
If ($score –lt $confidence) { Write-Output "$date Score above threshold, will not remove ban" >> $logfile
# Get ID of Cloudflare block rule
Try { $content=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/user/firewall/access_rules/rules?page=1&per_page=20&mode=block&configuration.target=ip&configuration.value=$ip&match=all&order=mode&direction=desc" -Method 'GET' -Headers @{'Accept'='application/json';'X-Auth-Email'="$email";'X-Auth-Key'="$cfapikey"} }
         catch {
            $message = $_
            Write-Output "$date $message" >> $logfile
            Write-Output "$date Cloudflare API ERROR, unable to get ID of IP, Quitting..." >> $logfile
$id=$content.tostring() -split "[`r`n]" |
   select-string "id" |
     Select-Object -First 1 | 
        % {$_-replace ('"id": "|",| ')}
Write-Output "$date Got ID of block rule: $id..." >> $logfile
# Remove ban
Try { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/user/firewall/access_rules/rules/$id" -Method 'DELETE' -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{'Accept'='application/json';'X-Auth-Email'="$email";'X-Auth-Key'="$cfapikey"} }
         catch {
            $message = $_
            Write-Output "$date $message" >> $logfile
            Write-Output "$date Cloudflare API ERROR, Quitting..." >> $logfile
Write-Output "$date Task Finished Unbanned $ip" >> $logfile

I have submitted pull requests to add this to  IPBan/Recipes/Windows/Integrations on github, but I just wanted to update this here, for anyone that come across it

Edited by Turbofiero
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  • 1 year later...
On 7/2/2021 at 1:26 AM, mdoliver said:

A regex used to detect IPs generated from invalid login and forbidden login attempts. Forbidden entries are created in embyserver.txt where usernames have their "Allow remote connections" option unchecked or denied.


I'm in the process of configuring it.

Do you have an idea for a regex to log successful connections, but also unsuccessful ones in order to extract the username?

Merci 😉

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  • 2 months later...

I know I'm replying to a very old thread, but I was wondering if there's an updated Regex expression for ipban (preferably
Seemed more appropriately to reply here than create a new thread.

I know Emby has a built-in anti-brute force now, but it doesn't actually ban IP's, just temporarily. 
Rather have repeat-offender completely blocked out.
As I already run Ipban (RDP), it seems like a nice addition to have it monitor Emby logins as well.

Now it seems the logging has changed over the years, making the templates above not work anymore.
Since my skills with Regex expressions are pretty crap, I was hoping someone else had (or is able to) updated it.

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Not sure if this helps in any way, but have a look.

The last post, has a new way of doing it.


Edited by jaycedk
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Thanks for the suggestion, but doesn't seem to help much.
That whole thread is regarding fail2ban and Linux, I'm trying to get Ipban working on Windows.

Now a Regex string may work regardless, but his does not work for me.

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You can manually update the host file as admin in Windows with the IP address followed by 

It is also possible to large block IP's or entire countries this way.

A large black list does affect the server start up time.

Hope that helps.

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On 23/04/2024 at 18:21, Soundpool said:

Thanks for the suggestion, but doesn't seem to help much.
That whole thread is regarding fail2ban and Linux, I'm trying to get Ipban working on Windows.

Now a Regex string may work regardless, but his does not work for me.

Yep - it now appears the logs are not using the previously method..

Infact - it appears they are not formulating a decent error log at all for failed auth .. :(

All they appear to be logging is via the UserManager - the IP info is now in a different http response message, unrelated to the failure .. oh dear.

Luckily I use Scripter-X to send alerts via 'On Auth failure' so that continues to work just fine (I got a pushover alert with this test) but if you are using fail2ban or ipban at the server level (and not upstream on a reverse proxy) then this is now going to require some more work.

2024-04-25 16:51:53.652 Error DefaultAuthenticationProvider: Invalid username or password. No user named Baduser exists
2024-04-25 16:51:53.653 Info UserManager: Authentication request for Baduser has been denied.
2024-04-25 16:51:53.661 Debug Notifications: Sending notification: Failed Login Attempt from Baduser on <server>
2024-04-25 16:51:53.661 Error Server: Invalid username or password entered.
2024-04-25 16:51:53.661 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 403 to Time: 10ms. POST http:/<server>/emby/Users/authenticatebyname?...
2024-04-25 16:51:53.716 Info HttpClient: POST https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json

@Luke- Hi - Any reason why the previous log entry for failed Auth was changed ?

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3 hours ago, visproduction said:


You can manually update the host file as admin in Windows with the IP address followed by 

It is also possible to large block IP's or entire countries this way.

A large black list does affect the server start up time.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the input, it may not be a bad idea to geoblock the most risk-prone countries to possibly avoid some malicious attemps. However as a brute-force mitigator this alone seems not sufficient.

1 hour ago, rbjtech said:

Yep - it now appears the logs are not using the previously method..

Infact - it appears they are not formulating a decent error log at all for failed auth .. :(

All they appear to be logging is via the UserManager - the IP info is now in a different http response message, unrelated to the failure .. oh dear.

Luckily I use Scripter-X to send alerts via 'On Auth failure' so that continues to work just fine (I got a pushover alert with this test) but if you are using fail2ban or ipban at the server level (and not upstream on a reverse proxy) then this is now going to require some more work.

2024-04-25 16:51:53.652 Error DefaultAuthenticationProvider: Invalid username or password. No user named Baduser exists
2024-04-25 16:51:53.653 Info UserManager: Authentication request for Baduser has been denied.
2024-04-25 16:51:53.661 Debug Notifications: Sending notification: Failed Login Attempt from Baduser on <server>
2024-04-25 16:51:53.661 Error Server: Invalid username or password entered.
2024-04-25 16:51:53.661 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 403 to Time: 10ms. POST http:/<server>/emby/Users/authenticatebyname?...
2024-04-25 16:51:53.716 Info HttpClient: POST https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json

@Luke- Hi - Any reason why the previous log entry for failed Auth was changed ?

Thanks for the input and validating I'm not actually crazy :)
I'm indeed running ipban on my (Windows) host machine, so too bad to hear it may not be possible, or at the very least: difficult.
I am running NPM in a docker container however, if it's possible and not to difficult (I'm not an expert) to setup fail2ban or ipban here., I wouldn't object to this.
In fact that might even be better, as it may also provide brute-force security for my other apps this way? (like Ombi for instance)

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