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I bug tested this for many days. Found out plugins where causing hiccups. Trailers, Cinema-mode, Tunein and TV Mosaic (same with DVB Logic). Caused infinite loading and library not showing in home screen. I also reverted to older versions of server until I had the same problems when testing with plugins. Deleting the plugins above made server fast as ever especially on latest version and also bug free. Encounter the library not showing up again after installing TV Mosaic. Livet works as it should but library with movies and tv series is somehow gone and not working. (Uninstall TV Mosaic and library is back)I have had a lot of problems with Emby server for macOS lately. First of I managed to find out that the Trailers plugin which is installed as default makes the library disappear and causes infinite loading times when trying to access the server. Cinema-mode I have never gotten to work stable before and can also point out this plugin as a unstable interference for the server. I also found out that the Tune-in plugin causes the same problem although I do not have a user so this might work with premium subscription. But I don't think it should cause these problems without giving any info that the lack of login might cause these issues.


As the latest hiccup I have set up TV Mosaic as a backend for Live TV that I finally got working perfectly with IPTV as source. But when I install and set up in Emby server. Movie and TV Library disappears (like the earlier problems described above) and an infinite loading symbol circles the screen. In the menu there is no Movie or tv marking anymore. So the only difference from before is that live-tv works and shows up when accessing Emby. Uninstalling TV Mosaic reverts the problem and server is normal again. I have also tried with the DVBLink plugin to no avail (I assume the code is identical even so). I also tried to install an earlier version of TV Mosaic to no avail. IPTV and EPG source works, but it is just too messy and too slow to try to sort and configure the live-tv and channel setup in Emby.


I will probably research exporting m3u streams from tv mosaic for now but if anyone has some solutions or feedback I would very much appreciate the help.


Thought it would be good to share my experience and research no matter what.


I don't know if this is related but this is the latest error in the log :


2019-01-29 00:32:15.409 Error HttpServer: Error processing request

    *** Error Report ***
    Command line: /Applications/EmbyServer.app/Contents/MacOS/EmbyServer.dll -psn_0_290887 -noautorunwebapp
    Operating system: Unix
    64-Bit OS: True
    64-Bit Process: True
    User Interactive: True
    Processor count: 8
    Program data path: /Users/caspin/.config/emby-server
    Application directory: /Applications/EmbyServer.app/Contents/MacOS
    SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: Constraint: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
    SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: Exception of type 'SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException' was thrown.
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException.CheckOk(sqlite3 db, Int32 rc)
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.StatementImpl.MoveNext()
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.UpdateAncestors(Int64 itemId, List`1 ancestorIds, IDatabaseConnection db, IStatement deleteAncestorsStatement)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.SaveItemsInTranscation(IDatabaseConnection db, List`1 tuples)
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<RunInTransaction>b__0(IDatabaseConnection db)
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.RunInTransaction[T](IDatabaseConnection This, Func`2 f, TransactionMode mode)
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.RunInTransaction(IDatabaseConnection This, Action`1 action, TransactionMode mode)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.SaveItems(List`1 items, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager.CreateItems(List`1 items, BaseItem parent, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager.CreateItem(BaseItem item, BaseItem parent)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Channels.ChannelManager.GetChannel(IChannel channelInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    Source: SQLitePCL.pretty
    TargetSite: Void CheckOk(SQLitePCL.sqlite3, Int32)
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException.CheckOk(sqlite3 db, Int32 rc)
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.StatementImpl.MoveNext()
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.UpdateAncestors(Int64 itemId, List`1 ancestorIds, IDatabaseConnection db, IStatement deleteAncestorsStatement)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.SaveItemsInTranscation(IDatabaseConnection db, List`1 tuples)
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<RunInTransaction>b__0(IDatabaseConnection db)
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.RunInTransaction[T](IDatabaseConnection This, Func`2 f, TransactionMode mode)
     at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.RunInTransaction(IDatabaseConnection This, Action`1 action, TransactionMode mode)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.SaveItems(List`1 items, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager.CreateItems(List`1 items, BaseItem parent, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager.CreateItem(BaseItem item, BaseItem parent)
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.Channels.ChannelManager.GetChannel(IChannel channelInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


Hi there @@strandveien, was this a fresh install of 4.0.1, or did you upgrade from 3.5?

Posted (edited)

At first, upgrade. Than the same problems with fresh install. Logfile is from fresh...


The Problems with the Trailer plugin is not new at least on Mac. This has been an issue as long as I can remember. I also now experience the fastest server connection I´ve seen with Emby which I suspect has been plugin related (as I stripped everything down) But might also be that you really enhanced the code on Mac. But I h´got the same snappy connection and browsing on both 3.5 and the latest.


Live TV plugin is now the missing link. I have successfully used m3u files extracted from my local TV Mosaic Server. But I would have hoped to be able to use the plugin so I can edit server configs in one place and not have to update several places. Also I find even the raw m3u importer to result in a laggy and unstable experience. I can watch all channels, but it is somewhat slow, and not very intuitive when changing channel


( You have to

-click back on the top,

-access channel menu again

-choose channel

-wait for loading

-and same rodeo again if you want to change )


It will do for now :) Love Emby and the journey it has become.


Here is link for recipes on m3u list for TV Mosaic : http://forum.tv-mosaic.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=246

Edited by strandveien

Thanks for the info. We are working on expanding our channel management features so that everything can be done within Emby. Thanks.

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