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Windows Phone 8 App Updated, Brings Live TV And More


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It's been a while, but we're pleased to announce the Windows Phone 8 app has been given a massive update.


What's new?

- Video seeking when streaming video to the app

- "Play on" button moved to app bar

- Now Playing bar in the app for easier access (when listening to music only)

- Added the "Upcoming" section for TV Collections

- Added artist background image to now playing screen (music)

- Added support for Live TV (requires additional server configuration)

- Local trailer support

- Localisation

- Transparent tile option for WP8.1 users.


Let's look a bit closer at some of these updates.


Live TV

This may require additional configuration on your server, and is based on the Live TV feature added to the server. This feature will allow you to stream live TV straight to your device, as well as schedule any recordings and series that you want recorded. Let's take a look at some screenshots




Video Seeking

You asked for it, and asked for it, and we heard you. This release brings in video seeking when streaming videos to your device.


The app is now localised into the following languages: German, Dutch, French, Spanish (Mexico), Russian, Portugese (Brazil), Swedish and Italian. And we have more on the way in future updates (including Kazakh). Here's the main screen in Russian, in case you wondered:



Now Playing Bar

When listening to music you can be navigating the app and want to have a quick way to get to the Now Playing page, so we've added a Now Playing bar at the bottom of the screen when you're in the Media Browser app:



Transparent tile option for WP8.1 users.

If you've gone ahead and installed the Windows Phone 8.1 preview, you probably know about the background image for your start screen. In order to benefit this, the tiles need to have a transparent background, so we've added an option in for this. Just go to settings from the main page's app bar, then swipe across to the tile section and choose the transparent tile option. Back out of that page (and you may need to give it a moment to recreate the tile before you exit out of the app).


This will be applied to all live tiles, so the main tile, the remote control tile and the new Live TV tile.


And here it is in action



What feature are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments.


Download the app now from the Windows Phone store http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=f4971ed9-f651-4bf6-84bb-94fd98613b86


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