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Burning It Down!


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I think I'm going to totally redo my server this weekend.


For years now I've been running OMV.  Upgrading from version 2 to 3 and now 4.  Never once have I started over from scratch.  Now I'm running into some buggy issues after the last update.  I've worked through most of them I think, but I'm finding more. I think it's time to burn it to the ground and rebuild.


It's gone through three iterations of major hardware.


I moved from Plex to Emby for media management...


I've moved from OMV plugins (which aren't always updated) to a Docker setup which... although it has a learning curve is simpler to manage overall.  That, and containers can be updated independent of OMV which sometimes becomes an issue.


I'm going to kill my current software raid for a merger + snapraid for a more flexible setup.  I just have to figure out how to temporarily transfer all of my media so I can move everything.


I think I'll probably stick with OMV as the base, because I'm used to the headless interface. The only plugins that I really want to use are system ones (merger, snapraid, Docker, etc).  I think most of the rest can be accomplished in containers.


The goal is to start with that and get to a point that is at least as operable as what I have now.  


Then I want to add...


VPN port forwarding


letsencrypt with subdomains (right now I just have the OMV plugin which does a single cert)


nginx container with a proper proxy to forward those subdomains to my various containers (can that be done in a container?)


fail2ban to properly monitor all of it


What else do you think I should be concerned with? Any other helpful hints or suggestions?



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