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Docker Images vs qpgk


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Are any advantages or disadvantages to using Docker to deploy Emby on QNAP devices (TS-453BMini is what I use currently using beta qpkg which is working great for hardware transcoding as I can transcode 3-4 streams currently)


It's easy to do with docker-compose and easier to setup again to move etc. So wondering if there are any downsides like hardware transcoding not working and any settings I should be aware of. I searched the forums but I didn't really find much. I do see that VA API is supported in the docker image but I'm not sure if the default code will work to mount it.


Following is the code I would use in my compose file. Won't be able to test for a few days, so thought I'd ask first. 

    image: emby/embyserver:beta
    container_name: embyserver
      - ${CONFIG}/emby:/config
      - ${DATA}/:/mnt/share1
      - /dev/dri/renderD128
      - 8096:8096
      - 8920:8920
      UID: ${PUID}
      GID: ${PGID}
      GIDLIST: ${PGID}

If no one knows I will test and come back





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Hi, welcome. The main disadvantage of using Docker on QNAP is that we're not actively testing this ourselves. The native packages keep us busy enough as it is. That doesn't mean you can't try and use it, but it's just something to consider. Thanks.

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So I actually got time today to test this. Hardware Acceleration doesn't work, it's mainly because the drivers don't exist in the Docker container. So the device is available (I gave it --privileged tag to make sure) but it doesn't work because of this. I might try to setup something that does work.


Nvidia GPU acceleration is easier because they have a docker container wrapper that contains the drivers and forwards them over to the container that needs them (simplifies it), but Intel would need drivers installed.


I think I might try to install the needed drivers or the equivalent and then some how build Emby docker container myself for testing. Maybe build it somehow off of the default container and then install the necessary drivers, building the image each time an embyserver is released. But I don't really have time to support it so it would be just extra on the side thing and not sure it will even work.


http://wiki.ros.org/docker/Tutorials/Hardware%20Acceleration#Intel not sure if this works for what I want, it's unclear if MESA libraries work for everything or just ROS. Will have to test later.

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