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Emby on freenas delete file error

Anilton Santos de Sousa

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most likely your dataset is not owned by the emby user 989 but instead by a user that puts your home movies there.


From my personal experience i would just change the standard emby user:  to do this i recommend the following:


Figure out who owns the files. open the shell in freenas navigate to the folders (cd /mnt/movies (or whatever) and type ls -la and you'll get a list with who owns which folder and file. Then go into the shell from emby-server (push 3 Dots button and say open shell) you'll be greeted with a shell inside the jail


type the following and replace 1101 (my user that owns all my data) with the number that owns all your files. Restart jail delete files as you please!

iocage console emby-server-beta
service emby-server stop
pw groupmod emby -n emby -g 1101
pw usermod emby -n emby -u 1101 -g 1101
chown -R emby:emby /var/db/emby(hit tab)
sysrc 'emby_server_user=emby'
service emby-server start
Edited by makarai
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