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Emby episode selection to record behavior


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Lately, I've relied more heavily on Emby to record TV Shows. I keep seeing the same odd behavior on Series Recordings - if there are multiple airings of an Episode - Emby tends to always choose the very last one to record.


I am running Version of Emby.


For example:

Yesterday I added "The Little Drummer Girl" - which hasn't even aired yet - so there are no previous recording history/episodes in my library to impact the logic of when/what to record. Yet, Emby chose the LAST airing of the first episode (combined 1&2) to record - even though there was nothing else scheduled to record at or around the time of the first episode airing.


Airings of first (combined 1&2) episode:

Monday 11/19 9:00 PM

Monday 11/19 11:35 PM

Tuesday 11/20 2:10 AM - This is the one Emby chose to record


I saw this posting, which is kind of old, talking about similar issues:


I see I can choose an "Air Time" for recordings - which I assume would correct this behavior (and am going to go back and set). But, I don't understand why Emby would select the last airing when there are absolutely no conflicts with recording the first airing. Is this a programming flaw - or intentional behavior (maybe to record at a time with Emby usage is expected to be at a minimum when possible)?





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