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Alternate episode version naming


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When there are alternate versions of movies, the name of each version in the dropdown is the part that's different between the two filenames, so if I have "The Godfather (1972) - Extended Edition.mkv" and "The Godfather (1972) - Theatrical.mkv" in the relevant folder, the dropdown lists "Extended Edition" and "Theatrical". Now that we have alternate versions of TV episodes available (and thanks very much for adding this!), can this behavior be extended there as well? Currently the dropdown shows the full file name of each file (minus the extension) rather than just the differing part. Thanks!

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Hi, you can name the tv alternates however you like, as long as it follows tv episode naming conventions. Then they'll be available for selection in the dropdown. Please let us know if this helps. Thanks.

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Sorry if I wasn't clear. I'm not talking about the file names per se but rather what appears in the "Version" dropdown. If I have, say, "s04e24 - The Handicap Spot - Original version.mkv" and "s04e24 - The Handicap Spot - Recast version.mkv" in the folder, and Emby correctly recognizes them as alternate versions, then what should appear in the dropdown (at least if it's consistent with the movie behavior) is "Original version" and "Recast version". Instead, what appears is "s04e24 - The Handicap Spot - Original version" and "s04e24 - The Handicap Spot - Recast version". It's not a huge problem, but it's a lot cleaner the movie way.

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