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Very unstable

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Posted (edited)

Hi there,


Emby Server Crashes while Playing Video Content since Update to

I have Debug Logs Enabled, should i upload the Log Files?


Thanks and best regards



Edited by Brudertac

Please attach the emby server log. Thanks.


Please attach the emby server log. Thanks.



Can you try turning off the server's dlna features, and then restart the server?


Additionally the next release of emby server will have dramatically improved performance. That may end up helping in this area as well. Thanks.


Have turned DLNA Server Off now and will test this later this day.




Emby runs fine with DLNA Server turned OFF. No Problems....


Thanks, please re-evaluate this with the next release.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hi there,


same problem here :-(


Can you try turning off the server's dlna features, and then restart the server?


Didnt work for me. The Emby Server crashes while playing video content.


Edited by jfk1987

Please try again with the next release of emby server. Thanks

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

When will the new version be released?

Posted (edited)

Hope, I did it right:-)



Edited by jfk1987
Posted (edited)

Hello @@jfk1987


You did great, thanks. I've taken a look at the logs and the crashes are being caused by an image processing failure.


  at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) SkiaSharp.SkiaApi.sk_codec_new_from_stream (intptr) <0x00012>
  at SkiaSharp.SKCodec.Create (SkiaSharp.SKStream) [0x00014] in <7d2e3bd6812e4881b5c49a3f02b476aa>:0
  at SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode (SkiaSharp.SKStream) [0x0000e] in <7d2e3bd6812e4881b5c49a3f02b476aa>:0
  at SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode (string) [0x00015] in <7d2e3bd6812e4881b5c49a3f02b476aa>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.Decode (string,bool,MediaBrowser.Model.IO.IFileSystem,MediaBrowser.Model.Logging.ILogger,System.Nullable`1<MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageOrientation>,SkiaSharp.SKCodecOrigin&) [0x00103] in <5145ae7a9a5847e497326bf760c58178>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.GetBitmap (string,bool,bool,System.Nullable`1<MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageOrientation>,SkiaSharp.SKCodecOrigin&) [0x0002f] in <5145ae7a9a5847e497326bf760c58178>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.GetBitmap (string,bool,bool,System.Nullable`1<MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageOrientation>) [0x00031] in <5145ae7a9a5847e497326bf760c58178>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.EncodeImage (string,System.DateTime,string,bool,System.Nullable`1<MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageOrientation>,int,MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing.ImageProcessingOptions,MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat) [0x000b0] in <5145ae7a9a5847e497326bf760c58178>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.ImageProcessor/<ProcessImage>d__29.MoveNext () [0x005c9] in <82dd8d47dc2142bd8e90482cc30adca4>:0

  at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) SkiaSharp.SkiaApi.sk_codec_new_from_stream (intptr) <0x00012>
  at SkiaSharp.SKCodec.Create (SkiaSharp.SKStream) [0x00014] in <7d2e3bd6812e4881b5c49a3f02b476aa>:0
  at SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode (SkiaSharp.SKStream) [0x0000e] in <7d2e3bd6812e4881b5c49a3f02b476aa>:0
  at SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode (string) [0x00015] in <7d2e3bd6812e4881b5c49a3f02b476aa>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.Decode (string,bool,MediaBrowser.Model.IO.IFileSystem,MediaBrowser.Model.Logging.ILogger,System.Nullable`1<MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageOrientation>,SkiaSharp.SKCodecOrigin&) [0x00103] in <5145ae7a9a5847e497326bf760c58178>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.StripCollageBuilder.GetNextValidImage (string[],int,int&) [0x00013] in <5145ae7a9a5847e497326bf760c58178>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.StripCollageBuilder.BuildSquareCollageBitmap (string[],int,int) [0x00028] in <5145ae7a9a5847e497326bf760c58178>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.StripCollageBuilder.BuildSquareCollage (string[],string,int,int) [0x00000] in <5145ae7a9a5847e497326bf760c58178>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.CreateImageCollage (MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing.ImageCollageOptions) [0x0008c] in <5145ae7a9a5847e497326bf760c58178>:0
  at Emby.Drawing.ImageProcessor.CreateImageCollage (MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing.ImageCollageOptions) [0x0001f] in <82dd8d47dc2142bd8e90482cc30adca4>:0  
Native stacktrace:

/var/packages/EmbyServer/target/mono/bin/mono() [0x810c83d]
/var/packages/EmbyServer/target/mono/bin/mono() [0x8078cbb]
linux-gate.so.1(__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0) [0xffffe40c]
/var/packages/EmbyServer/target/system/lib/libc.so.6(fileno_unlocked+0xf) [0xb730ebcf]
/volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/releases/ [0xb1abf489]
/volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/releases/ [0xb1a8edc8]
/volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/releases/ [0xb1ab8f1c]
/volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/releases/ [0xb1a23e26]

I know that's not much help to you, but it will help us get to the bottom of it. 


For (my) reference, this thread is related:-





- James

Edited by solabc16

Hello @jfk1987


One more thing, please can you enable debug logging, you can set this here:-


    Dashboard -> Experts -> Logs -> Enable debug logging


The next time the server stops unexpectedly, can you run the 'send logs' utility again - no need to run the diagnostics.



- James

Posted (edited)

Hello James,


I will do this :-)


But because of the problems I have reinstalled Emby. This caused a new problem. My library sync in Kodi (Leia) exited and i should do a reboot. I'm hanging in a loop now.


The Emby Server seems to be runnning, but the dashboard does not react in all cases. I need several attempts to scan my media into emby.


For example, no images are loaded in the database.


Thanks and best regards

Edited by jfk1987

Hello @@jfk1987


Thanks for the update, however I wouldn't expect this specific issue to be resolved by a reinstall.


Keep us posted...


- James

Posted (edited)

Hello @@jfk1987 - can you run the send logs utility, it looks like its still crashing processing images.



- James

Edited by solabc16

can you run the send logs utility, it looks like its still crashing processing images.




Done :-)


Here is an example, from the loading screen, without doing anything.

I have the same problems

Posted (edited)

Hello @@jfk1987


Thanks for the screenshot and the logs. If there is any good news, it's we're chasing down a single issue.


The latest package update has a mechanism to try and recover from unexpected failures, which is why you're seeing the UI trying to respond (albeit sporadically).


I see from your configuration that the libraries appear to be configured to point at network paths, is \\Mediastation the NAS on which Emby Server is running or another system?



- James

Edited by solabc16

Thanks :-)


My libraries und the Emby Server are running on the same system (Synology 214play). I have tried to configure the path with the IPs (192.168...) but nothing changed.


Best regards

Posted (edited)

Hello @@jfk1987


On your local system you should be using the local paths, not the network resource path - e.g. /volume1/MyMovieLibrary.




Let me know how you get on and if you need any assistance with the above.



- James

Edited by solabc16

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