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Improvement of library listings.


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As the title says, in my opinion the library listings could be improved.
I've seen 2 of them in other people their posts, but i'd like to mention them again to show my interest.


- Feature-request; Option to use the original language for the title (F.e. use "original title" instead of "title").

- Feature-request; Option to count the "The" words in title when sorting alphabetical, or do the same with all other language versions of the word "The".


For instance, i have a movie called "The Croods", looking for this, without the mentioned feature requests, i would check at the C.
Now since the movie title is being translated, in my language is goes by "De Croods", so i need to check at the D which i wouldnt because its illogical.

Yes you could say make a custom title, but thats not an option if you have a larger library.


- Feature-request; Filter on audio-language. I have some movies in my native language which are impossible to look for between all other movies. Atm i have a seperate librarygroup for that but it would be neat if its combined.


- Feature-request; Display latest movies/series/music based on date added with a max number of items instead of basing it on library scans This way you would get a full horizontal bar with items instead of sometimes 1 or 2 and sometimes full bar.


i know errors shouldnt be posted here but i thought i might aswell put it here.

Error 1: The movie "9" isnt being added to the library with scan. Only when changing the movie to f.e. "Nine" and then change it back with indentify.

And no, its not due to my folder build.


- Movies

- - 9 (2009) [1080p]

- - - 9 (2009) [1080p].mp4

- - - 9 (2009) [1080p].srt


Error 2: The "trial-periode" is still not available on a fresh install/another machine/another IP for the plugins.

I'm someone who wants to test out stuff even if it was for one day before buying them to know what you get instead of guessing what it might be. 

The explanations on the plugins are way too limited, and even if they where better explained it would be nice to see it on your mobile, television and such how it works out.

Maybe its something that could be used, if not, no worries :).

Anyway, thanks for a great media managment tool and community. Keep up the good work.

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Hi, thanks for the feedback. I believe there are existing feature request topics for all of these already. Thanks !

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