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Any way to get trakt to ignore certain videos from syncing?


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I have a bunch of videos that aren't found on trakt.  It seems that whenever trakt syncs, it resets the watch state to unwatched.  Is there a way to tell trakt to ignore these videos during the sync?


I see that there is an "exclude folders" list in the plugin settings but it seems to only show top level folders and I don't see a way to add any folders manually.  I just tested adding the folder path the the <LocationsExcluded> element in the Trakt.xml and that seems to have worked.  My only issue is that the folder doesn't show up in the Trakt settings GUI and when I make a change to the Trakt settings and save it removes my manually added exclusion.  I also wonder if this change will survive updates.


Is there a better way to do this? I would like to avoid the "Skip unwatched import from Trakt" option if I can because I want that behavior for the vast majority of my libraries.

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Sure.  I have some supplemental material (deleted scenes, making of, etc) for the show The Thick of It that doesn't show up on Trakt.  I put them in the Specials folder and just continued the episode numbering from the last known Trakt episode. The structure looks similar to this:

/mnt/NAS/Shows/The Thick of It
   /Season 1
      The Thick of It - S01E01.mkv
      The Thick of It - S01E02.mkv
      The Thick of It - S00E01.mkv

I seem to recall finding an episode list somewhere that listed the supplemental material alongside the other Specials so I think I used that for the episode numbering.  Unfortunately I can't find the link to that anymore.


But either way, things like the deleted scenes don't show up on Trakt and if I watch them or set them to watched, they get reset to unwatched after Trakt syncs.


The path that I manually added to the exclusions in the Trakt.xml is "/mnt/NAS/Shows/The Thick of It/Specials."  That seems to have worked but like I said it gets lost if I make a change to the settings and save it from the GUI.

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One thing I just thought of was adding the "/mnt/NAS/Shows/The Thick of It/Specials" folder to my Shows library in Emby.  My thinking is that this would make it show up on the "Exclude Folders" list in the Trakt settings.  Is that true?


Also if I have "/mnt/NAS/Shows" and "/mnt/NAS/Shows/The Thick of It/Specials" as folders for my Shows library does that mean that the videos in the Specials folder would get added to my library twice?

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Also if I have "/mnt/NAS/Shows" and "/mnt/NAS/Shows/The Thick of It/Specials"


This is not supported. You would just have to add the top level folder once.

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