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All my Emby addon are crashing after weird emby update on my 3 PI device

Go to solution Solved by Angelblue05,

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Posted (edited)



I have 3 RPI device, I was in front of my TV and one of them did a Emby addon update, but addon is still the same version as before, but after the update I can't start any movie or tv show, I get a Emby error please check log.


So I took my other rapsberry pi 2 that I use for travelling and before booting it up I remove the USB wifi key to avoid the update, I also check the emby version after the boot and it was the same version as the one that it's not working anymore, I went into the addon setting and click on removing auto install of new update.  After that without rebooting the device I plug my wifi usb dongle to it and emby was working fine without updating, but I restart the device and I got the same emby addon update (even if auto update was removed??), after this update which by the way doesnt change the emby addon version #, I'am now not able to play anything on it


I removed emby and reset all to force a resynch on my other device and still the same, can't watch anything anymore. 


BTW:I was trying to get the emby addon from the emby repository, but it'S not there anymore.  I had to use a old one I had on backup, is this normal that there is no more emby addon?


Please help me, I need this RPI to work, I need it for travel this week

Here is my OSMC (kodi) log, this is from my travel device


Edited by ravingzeus
  • Solution
Posted (edited)

I'm sorry you are having difficulties. I'm not seeing an error in your log, however maybe what's happening is the dependencies were updated. Somehow, Kodi must have updated them, I'm not sure why, if you say the auto-update is disabled. Anyway, you can find them here:


You'll want the ones v0.11


Edited by Angelblue05

You are on jarvis, so 2.3.63 is the supported version. But I do think the dependencies were updated somehow, recheck your settings.


HI thanks, but I'am not sure what I need to do with the dependencies and where I need to put them.  I disabled Emby auto update only, not sure how to disable the dependencies auto update?

Sorry for that, i'am not too familiar with this

I probably need to update to a new kodi version soon, but it was so stable for me since lomg time ago, it'S doing what I need to, I don't need more than that

Posted (edited)

Ok sorry, I reinstall them with a USB key, but how do I make sure they are not auto updating since emby auto uodate is disable

It'S working now by loading the dependencies you gave me, but how to be sure they get not updated again?

Big thanks for your help, always really appreciated, Merci!

Edited by ravingzeus
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Posted (edited)

You can install from zip, and point to the downloaded zips. Or you can add the source http://kodi.emby.media and that will allow you to install the zip without having to download it. Check this here: https://github.com/MediaBrowser/plugin.video.emby/wiki/Emby-Repository


The public testing folder is what you want. Just follow the steps from the tutorial.


Edit: Just saw your reply.

Edited by Angelblue05
Posted (edited)

Open the side panel while in the addons section, is auto update disabled there?

Edited by Angelblue05

No they were not, i was thinkgin that only the emby add on was enought to select to be non- auto update.  But I just did it with the side panel, that way it will be fine.  Sorry for all that, my bad, now I will go through all of my RPI

Just a quick question.  Do you think with my old Jarvis version i'am good for a couple more months with Emby, or one day soon the Emby server or whatever else will not support it anymore?  Just asking, because everything is fine for me like it is and I don't see the point why I should update all of them.

Merci encore!  

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Posted (edited)

Honestly, it might break if you update to server 3.6x.


I think at some point I will make a build that supports Jarvis for people that want to update to 3.6x (when it's pushed to stable). As long as you remain on a version lower than that you should be fine however. And later you'll have the option to use a more recent version.

Edited by Angelblue05

Ok great, I will keep looking the Emby for kodi thread to check when Jarvis will be supported, or I will probably decide to update kodi one day anyway, but it's not in my near plan :)

thanks again I just sent you 2 coffee for your help :)

  • Like 1

Thank you very much :)

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i did haved similar problem it was releated to python module. however i reinstalled libreelec (im using librelec7 for orangepi it has jarvis and its onlyone where HW Accel works)

and installed emby like this

LibreELECopi:~ # wget http://kodi.emby.media/Public%20testing/Dependencies/plugin.video.emby.movies-0.11.zip
Connecting to kodi.emby.media (
plugin.video.emby.mo 100% |****************************************************************************************************************************************| 16263   0:00:00 ETA
LibreELECopi:~ # wget http://kodi.emby.media/Public%20testing/Dependencies/plugin.video.emby.musicvideos-0.11.zip
Connecting to kodi.emby.media (
plugin.video.emby.mu 100% |****************************************************************************************************************************************| 16346   0:00:00 ETA
LibreELECopi:~ # wget http://kodi.emby.media/Public%20testing/Dependencies/plugin.video.emby.tvshows-0.11.zip
Connecting to kodi.emby.media (
plugin.video.emby.tv 100% |****************************************************************************************************************************************| 16289   0:00:00 ETA
LibreELECopi:~ # wget https://github.com/MediaBrowser/plugin.video.emby/releases/download/2.3.63/plugin.video.emby-2.3.63.zip
Connecting to github.com (
Connecting to github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com (
plugin.video.emby-2. 100% |****************************************************************************************************************************************|   974k  0:00:00 ETA

after i manually installed, now its working again, its too soon say it that presist or problem will come again. now i have disabled all embyrepositories as they do not support anymore jarvis (you cannot install from there anymore)


on most cases i guess you need remove all those and reinstall those specific versions to get it working and disable all automatic updates releated to them.


Sorry about that. If you are on Jarvis, then it's safe to remove the beta repo for sure or at least have auto-update disabled. Glad to hear you were able to fix the issue however. There's not much else I could have done... beta repo is to help with testing mostly.

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