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Post processing script question


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I have a script question that should be simple but I'm being stupid:

I've created/modded a post-processing script for Emby that converts/renames media, cuts commercials, etc. based on several excellent suggestions elsewhere in the forum. It runs fine except when it runs in to certain titles.

Example problem (test.sh script I did for troubleshooting):


set path = ($path /usr/local/bin)

set w1 = `jot -r 1 2 15`

set filename = `printf "%s " $1:t:r:r`

set grab = `printf "%s " $1:h`

set a = `echo "$filename".ts`

set b = `echo "$grab/$filename"_cut.ts`

set c = `echo "$grab/$filename".mp4`

set d = `echo "$grab/$filename".srt`

echo "$filename"

If the external input ($1) is, say, this:

"/media/recording/Family Guy (1999)/Season 8/Family Guy S08E20 The Splendid Source.ts"

It works fine. The script grabs the correct filename/path, then I assign different variables so the rest of my script can work correctly (i.e. _cut.ts is the new name after I run Comskip/comcut, the others after I extract subtitles and convert to .mp4, and so on).

However if I have a show like this:

"/media/recording/House Hunters International (2006)/Season 117/House Hunters International S117E01 House Fishing in St. Croix.ts"

Everything after the . in "St. Croix.ts" is truncated

"/media/recording/House Hunters International (2006)/Season 117/House Hunters International S117E01 House Fishing in St.ts"

However if I echo "$1" I get the correct showname back - so the variable from Emby is being passed in correctly, my script/printf is screwing it up.


In my test script, the above name echos this for $filename

House Hunters International S117E01 House Fishing in St

Obviously I'm not escaping correctly but I can't figure it out and my tiny brain is tired.

How can I sanitize $1 correctly? This:

set filename = `printf "%s " $1:t:r:r`
set grab = `printf "%s " $1:h`

Is so it's easier to rename the files without an extra .ts on the end (i.e. "filename.ts.mp4")


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Figured it out while the forums were having problems :)


Didn't know about the basename utility:



set filename = `basename "$1" .ts`


now to figure out how to clean up the files afterwards properly.

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