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Option to scan music using folder structure instead of id3 tags


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Please please please please! Add this feature.


Adding music literally takes hours at the moment. Emby is extremely picky about tags even going as far to separate artists and albums when one letter is capitalized and not in another file. Yet according to this page: https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Music%20naming

We are required to follow a structure that just gets completely ignored anyway.


In total I have spent 30 hours adding 150 artists. This music library was originally added to plex with absolutely no human intervention. And its still not correct. I have even had to manually edit the db on several occasions.


Im so tired of dealing with this, I'm actually abandoning emby for music because of this. Ill stick with it for shows, but music is a lost cause. Once you manage to get it sorted correctly with no small amount of effort emby works great to play it. But you have to invest a huge amount of time into it especially if you are adding a large amount of music. It's just not worth the time and effort it takes to add the same music other systems have no problem with.



If a list of files is at /artist/album/ an the tags dont match exactly with absolutely no extra info they get resorted however emby likes. There is no reason to re sort and split up files that are all in the same album folder. Ditto for artists. It doesn't make any sense.

Edited by darkassassin07
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Is this an unreasonable thing to want? To not pull my hair out when I add an artist to emby and have spend over 2 hours combing out the smallest of discrepancies?


I have tried a few different tagging programs but have found problems with everything I have tried. I keep ending up manually editing tons of data.



Most recently I added "weird al" Yankovic which got split into three artists one of which does not show up in the list of artists, and several albums that can only be found in searches. Some of the albums that are displayed have less than half of the songs included in them listed.


I have a backlog of a few thousand audio files to be added to emby with a list of even more things my users would like added that I haven't looked at in a month because I dont want to deal with it. I'd also like to give a few of my users the ability to add things themselves but I cant because they would be lost in a heartbeat. File and folder names are easy to follow, but most of my users dont even know what a tag is.



You are already making us follow a file/folder structure, why not utilize that information and take some of the load off the administrators.

Edited by darkassassin07
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Would you be willing to elaborate a little bit?


I can be pretty blunt when Im frustrated and Im sorry for that, but this has been stressful to deal with. I keep getting some new music, giving it a once over to sort most errors out then dropping it in my music folder and finding it being sorted in ways that are just so obviously wrong. It's even worse If im in a hurry, or adding something remotely.


Its such a sharp contrast from video where as long as the folder name is correct and the file name is fairly close to the folder name your golden.

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