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After moving portable install - scanning library fails

Go to solution Solved by Happy2Play,

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Posted (edited)

Hi All


Installed the portable version of emby server on my existing server - I'm virtualising Emby and moved the install to the new VPC. Read the instructions on how to do this and upon running the initial library scan it fails immediately.


The portable install was deployed to the D drive of my old server but has been moved to C on the new box.. however the log file shows that Emby is still looking for a D: drive during some part of the scan.

2018-09-03 23:13:06.011 Debug App: Running FolderImageProvider for C:\Emby\embyserver-win\programdata\root
2018-09-03 23:13:11.098 Error BaseItem: Error refreshing owned items for D:\embyserver-win\programdata\root\default\Comedy
*** Error Report ***
Command line: C:\Emby\embyserver-win\system\EmbyServer.dll -noautorunwebapp
Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
64-Bit OS: True
64-Bit Process: True
User Interactive: True
Processor count: 2
Program data path: C:\Emby\embyserver-win\programdata
Application directory: C:\Emby\embyserver-win\system
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\embyserver-win\programdata\root\default\Comedy'.


Anyway to fix this? (Log attached)

Many thanks for your time 


Edited by cow666
Posted (edited)

Can someone tell me where the  D:\embyserver-win\programdata\root\default\xxx path is coming from and if I can edit it to set the correct drive letter?

Edited by cow666
  • Solution
Posted (edited)

I believe in the library.db.  If you have a older installation, there were database updates to resolve this on new installations that change the path


old way

C:\Users\Media\Desktop\Portable Stable\programdata\root\default\Unset

new way


Depending on how you store your metadata, if with media you can delete the library.db and allow it to rebuild.  Or use a DB tool and edit the database directly.  Emby has to be shutdown to edit the db.



Edited by Happy2Play
  • Like 1

Thanks Happy2Play - I'll check it out tonight

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