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Add Backdrop option to 'Select View'


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I'm mostly using Emby for Kodi.

With my Kodi Skin, the Backdrop image is the most prominent, and one I would like to change for many shows.


I would like the ability to choose backdrop (and have it show as the series thumbnail) when i'm browsing in emby, right now it is difficult to determine which shows I wanted to change it for without going through kodi, earmarking the series in my head, and then going back to emby and updating it.


If this is possible already, or there is another way to easily view/change all backdrops please let me know. Thanks! The software is awesome, and I am thoroughly enjoying it

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Hey @@Angelblue05 & @@Luke,

Apologies i may be explaining this bad, my END result is to have the backdrop in kodi change ( i understand this has to be done through updating the backdrop in emby and clearing hte cache in kodi or something which is totally fine)


I really should have left out any mention of Kodi because I think its definitely muddying my waters.


What I mean to ask about here, is an easy way to view & change the backdrops for each series I have added in emby (using the main web page, outside of any connection to Kodi)


If a 'backdrop' option could be added here, and displayed them as thumbnails for the series, that would accomplish what I am looking for.



Appreciate the quick responses :)

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Ok, i understand what you mean. Yes i suppose that is possible. Backdrops will be a lot slower to render in the web app though due to their generally very large size. Being able to avoid that troubleshooting is one of the main reasons we don't currently have that option in there.


Are you really going to be able to easily identify shows based on their backdrops? because they usually don't have the show name as part of the image. have you tried using thumbs?

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So that is where Kodi kind of plays in to it.

I completely agree that it is not practical to display backdrops for the purposes of normally using emby to view your series.


What I am trying to accomplish, is to quickly be able to view all backdrops, then identify ones I want to change, go in to the series, and choose a new backdrop.

At the moment I either have to go to Kodi and just see what its showing the backdrops as, then note those down and go change them in Emby, or go through series by series in Emby.


Nothing pressing at all, and aside from this particular use case I can't really think of why anyone else would want to do this, so I totally understand if it doesn't make it in to a list of features :)


Thanks again for the SUPER quick responses

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