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Missing Episodes/Seasons indicator


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I know that this is kinda implemented. In the settings there's an option for displaying missing episodes/seasons in TV shows. I was hoping that maybe this could be expanded in a way. Currently this just pulls the media information from your desired source, and displays it. It displays it with a green check mark next to it. Now we all know that the green check means that the show/episode has been watched. I would like to suggest that for episodes/seasons that are not backed up by playable content a red "X" be displayed in place of the Green check mark. This would be very handy I think to give a quick visual indicator to everyone that, "Hey this is just a placeholder, It exists (Hasn't been aired yet but has a TVDB entry, couldn't find the file to download, need to rerip the file, etc.), but it's not in the library just yet." Thanks for your consideration on this request, and for your time in reading it.


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Would like to second your idea! The way it is right now is kinda confusing.


It's no big deal but something that could be looked at for the future, I guess.

Edited by neik
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