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Roku unable to remove port for SSL connection


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I have my server running behind an nginx reverse proxy. I setup a 301 redirect, similar to the the suggested method in the nginx reverse proxy pinned thread in the general Emby forums. The issue is that nginx is setup to handle the port redirect, meaning the end user should not have to enter a port in Emby's port field to connect to my server. In all other apps and devices I've tested (Emby Theater on Windows, Fire Stick, Android app, web login), the capability to blank out the port field exists. On the Roku, I attempt to clear the port (hitting delete or the trash icon) and it clears it out, but once you hit save, it auto-populates with the last saved port (8096). I have not found a way to clear and save a blank port. Leaving the port (8096) results in an SSL error, putting in any other port results in a connection error.


Again, other users can connect to the server, without issue, by simply omitting the port field.


@@ebr, when you said you cleared the port and put in another port. Do you mean you cleared out the existing port, then saved it, thus exiting the port modification window, and saw that the port field was now null before going back into the modification window and entering a new port? Or that you cleared it, and then immediately put in another port and then saved it? Because I have tried the former and it unequivocally did not work as you stated.


I had a Roku for about a day before returning it, so I cannot do further testing myself. One of my users will be home in about 8 hours, however, so I can have him submit any logs at that time. He did do a port clear as I did and was unable to save a null port.

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Ah, yes, if it is blank, it is going to want to use the default port - which will probably be wrong for your setup.


Have them put in 443 and I believe it will work.

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Ah, yes, if it is blank, it is going to want to use the default port - which will probably be wrong for your setup.


Have them put in 443 and I believe it will work.



That didn't occur to me to try that given the redirect should take care of it, but I'm also assuming it will work. I'll have him try it in a few hours and will report back. Thanks.

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