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docker instruction don't seem to be valid anymore


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I've installed emby using docker on my arch linux.

followed installation instruction here:


i had to change the script though since it tried to pull emby/embyserver:x86_64 which does not seem to exist, i changed it to latest and it worked.


Then yesterday i've updated my emby server and it stopped playing movies in the torrents directory. Short inspection  shows it runs as UID 2 (daemon) and can't access the files. changing permission to o+rwx solves the issue.
if i try to reinstall using this command:

docker run -it --rm -v /usr/local/bin:/target emby/embyserver instl

so 'instl' 'uninstal' 'instl service' and the like do not work anymore with the newly downloaded module.

i guess the script that used to handle it is gone. It was very easy to install and have a script that runs the docker and handles the volumes nicely ,so now all installation is manual only ?
Or there are new methods to get helper scripts on my system ?

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yeah, i started there, but it wasn't enough, also i did notice inside the docker and outside the server is listening on ipv6 only, any idea why ? is this configuration issue ?
i'm not familiar with the docker base (never used open suse and the start up scripts are totally foreign to me) and not with the .net code of the server, tried to see how the bind call is done but got mixed up in HttpListener code and it's callbacks. Any idea if this was intentional ?

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Hi, did you click the link on our download page to go to docker hub? There is some setup info there.


What do you feel is missing?

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yes i did. first the instruction on the docker hub page include this run command:

docker run -d \
    --volume /path/to/programdata:/config \ # This is mandatory
    --volume /path/to/share1:/mnt/share1 \ # To mount a first share
    --volume /path/to/share2:/mnt/share2 \ # To mount a second share
    --device /dev/dri/renderD128 \ # To mount a render node for VAAPI
    --publish 8096:8096 \ # To expose the HTTP port
    --publish 8920:8920 \ # To expose the HTTPS port
    --env UID=1000 \ # The UID to run emby as (default: 2)
    --env GID=100 \ # The GID to run emby as (default 2)
    --env GIDLIST=100 \ # A comma-separated list of additional GIDs to run emby as (default: 2)

this is ok only:
1. the installation created a nice script that not only started the hub but also helped to create a systemd service entry.

2. the script could also read list of volumes from the .emby-server dir in your home directory which was also the config mount of emby.

3. after running the command line so i could run the server but vlc or other dlna services did not work or discover anything, took me a while to understand why.

4. adding -p 1900:1900/udp doesn't help, short test shows that other dockers using upnp for some reason needs --net=host and not just exposing the port, bridge mode which is the default doesn't work for some reason, maybe it's a broadcast issue, if u know something else please enlight me.

i would put back the code that allows the docker to create the script or for the very least expose the script (bash) on github and include them in the instructions.
i will continue searching regarding DLNA\UPNP and docker since i don't llike having the docker with --net=host, not very secure...

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