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Cannot get one TV Show to display correctly


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I am having an issue getting one of my recordings to fix the meta data. The show is S.W.A.T. which began in 2017 and unfortunately is sort of a remake of one from 1972 which seems to want to come up first.


I have gone in and hit the identify selection and changed the name, date and I added the TVDB number and the IMDB number and hit save. I have two other shows this is an issue for and those worked just fine (The Flash and Bull).


THIS is the reason I wish we could have recordings create and add the original premiere date appended to the Show name. When I used to do this when not using the Emby DVR I never had an issue with the meta data getting found correctly. I used to have to set up a separate folder for Emby to record to then have MCEBuddy rename, remux to .mkv and move to another folder I used for my TV Shows. It seemed like too many extra steps so I am trying to simplify it since now if I do it that way I would also have to hid the real recording folder but now if I do that then Active Recordings don't show up in my Web app for me to see and verify what is recording on a given night and time.


This is sort of become a mess for me and I don't want to spend all this time changing the meta data constantly.


Here is my log from after trying to change the meta data manually:




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Yes, I tried that too. I have actually done it both ways. When I originally tried to fix it and noticed it was listed that way on the tvdb I added it but still nothing. It's bugging me because the other shows that I have this issue with fix normally and I can't figure out why it won't work with this one.


The other odd thing is that when I try to edit it, it takes me to the next screen and shows me the correct poster to select and I select it and it still reverts back to the old poster and description. I did also refresh the browser to make sure that wasn't the issue but still didn't take.

Edited by jasonmcroy
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Guest asrequested

The one thing, though, is that when recording, the metadata is taken from your guide. Maybe that's messing with it? I actually have that show in two libraries, and both are correct. Try creating a test library with one episode, and see if comes in, correctly. And maybe check your guide data?

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Well, I got up this morning and tried doing the identify step again and this time it worked. I am not sure what was happening last night.


I think, by saying check my guide data, you mean what is listed in the EPG? If so, that looks correct. In fact, the tab under Live TV for Series that shows all the shows you have set up to record, the correct poster is there. I use Schedules Direct for the guide data.


Anyway, it is fixed for now. I will have to wait and see if it stays correct when I do a new recording next week.

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Yes, you have mentioned that before. If the provider would give us that data and we had the option to use it in our naming scheme this would never be an issue. I guess gracenote gives that data because I know that the naming scheme in Plex includes the year, like S.W.A.T. (2017)/Season 01\S.W.A.T. S01E03 Episode_Name.


I guess I will go back to my old work around even though I lose the functionality of the Web App showing me active recordings ongoing right now. @@Luke - is it possible to go back to showing that somewhere under the Live TV section even if I hide access to the primary recordings folder? It used to show that even when I hid that folder but now it doesn't. I feel like things that used to make using the DVR more pleasurable for me have been slowly taken away.

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