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Help with reverse proxy/custom domain and remote connectivity

Go to solution Solved by dcrdev,

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I have been trying to set-up Emby and allow remote access with docker containers. No matter what I do I cannot connect from any app including the web app. If I put in the URL it will connect just fine as long as force SSL is not enabled, if force SSL is enabled then I get an error that there has been too many redirects.


I have looked at the posts about setting up remote access and setting up reverse proxy and nothing is working, I am not sure where to begin any help would be greatly appreciated 


Thank you!


what url are you putting in that ends up with too many redirects?


what url are you putting in that ends up with too many redirects?



That is how the reverse proxy is configured.


Then i think what is happening is the reverse proxy is forwarding to emby over plain http so you should just keep that box unchecked and let your proxy handle it.

Posted (edited)

Okay, yes that fixes that issue, but I am still unable to connect via the emby connect and the different apps.


Using the Chrome debugger I get an error stating that 

Mixed Content: The page at 'https://app.emby.media/home.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8096/emby/Playback/BitrateTest?Size=500000'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Edited by tjustice86

Set your domain in custom domain, under advanced.


Then in /var/lib/emby/config/system.xml change or add:


Then restart emby:

systemctl restart emby-server

It will solve any issues you're having - that is provided you have configured your proxy correctly.


We need to get this into the UI, thanks.


I still get the mixed content error.

Posted (edited)

Post your proxy configuration, a screenshot of your Emby dashboard and also the "Advanced" screen.


Edit: Should look something like this:

I'm guessing you're using nginx as with most people here - I'm using Apache, but you might find bits from my config useful:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName sub.domain.com

    LogLevel warn
    ErrorLog "/storage/WWW/sub.domain.com/log/error_log"
    CustomLog "/storage/WWW/sub.domain.com/log/access_log" combined

    Redirect permanent / https://sub.domain.com/

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName sub.domain.com

    LogLevel warn
    ErrorLog "/storage/WWW/sub.domain.com/log/ssl_error_log"
    TransferLog "/storage/WWW/sub.domain.com/log/ssl_access_log"
    CustomLog "/storage/WWW/sub.domain.com/log/ssl_request_log" \
              "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Connection} Upgrade [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} websocket [NC]
    RewriteRule /(.*) ws://$1 [P,L]

    SSLProxyEngine On
    RequestHeader set Front-End-Https "On"
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyRequests off

    <Location />
        ProxyPassReverse /

    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile      /etc/httpd/ssl/server.pem
    SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile   /etc/httpd/ssl/server.key

    SSLProtocol             all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1
    SSLHonorCipherOrder     on

    # HSTS (mod_headers is required) (15768000 seconds = 6 months)
    Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000"

Edited by dcrdev

I am using jwilder's nginx-proxy docker image. Here is my container for Emby:




Posted (edited)

Emby settings:



Edited by tjustice86
Posted (edited)


Emby settings:


Tells me that you didn't do this:


Set your domain in custom domain, under advanced.


Then in /var/lib/emby/config/system.xml change or add:

Then restart emby:

systemctl restart emby-server
It will solve any issues you're having - that is provided you have configured your proxy correctly.


Or you didn't restart the service afterward - double check the options I quoted above.

Edited by dcrdev
Posted (edited)

Since this is a docker container there is no emby-server service. And I just noticed that when I restarted the container it overwrote the system.xml file (strange as it has not done this before). Would restarting the server in the dashboard commit the change?


Edit: No it will not pick up the change


Edit2: I don't mean to be difficult, and I know I messed that up to begin with but can you obfuscate the domain name in that picture.

Edited by tjustice86

Since this is a docker container there is no emby-server service. And I just noticed that when I restarted the container it overwrote the system.xml file (strange as it has not done this before). Would restarting the server in the dashboard commit the change?


Edit: No it will not pick up the change


Edit2: I don't mean to be difficult, and I know I messed that up to begin with but can you obfuscate the domain name in that picture.


Right, edited my post where I had quoted you.


Try editing system.xml with the container shut down first.

Posted (edited)

Right, edited my post where I had quoted you.


Try editing system.xml with the container shut down first.

No dice. I have rebooted the entire server, the settings.xml stays the way it is supposed to and Emby still doesn't pick up the change.





Edited by tjustice86

No dice. I have rebooted the entire server, the settings.xml stays the way it is supposed to and Emby still doesn't pick up the change.


When you say the settings.xml "stays the way it is supposed to" , is that to say that the changes I suggested have persisted in the file? That being the case what does it say on the dashboard - is the main external address being listed as http or https?


Can you post your system.xml - obviously removing any personal information ?


When you say the settings.xml "stays the way it is supposed to" , is that to say that the changes I suggested have persisted in the file? That being the case what does it say on the dashboard - is the main external address being listed as http or https?


Can you post your system.xml - obviously removing any personal information ?

?xml version="1.0"?>
<ServerConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataFetchers />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataFetchers />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
        <string>The Open Movie Database</string>
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
        <string>The Open Movie Database</string>
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
     <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataFetchers />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
        <string>The Open Movie Database</string>
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
        <string>The Open Movie Database</string>
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
  <ContentTypes />
  <LocalNetworkAddresses />
  <CodecsUsed />
  <PathSubstitutions />

And my last post was current screenshot of server dashboard.

  • Solution

Just tested this in a docker container -
Forgot you need this also:

[root@hell01-serv01 srv]# docker run -d --volume /srv/emby:/config --publish 8096:8096 --publish 8920:8920 --env UID=986 --env GID=982 emby/embyserver:latest
Unable to find image 'emby/embyserver:latest' locally
Trying to pull repository docker.io/emby/embyserver ... 
latest: Pulling from docker.io/emby/embyserver
0ffadd58f2a6: Pull complete 
5cacdd04b1d8: Pull complete 
706399fd142b: Pull complete 
de3650ad955a: Pull complete 
ab4911d1f38c: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:6ebefc5249c492e82c6c973ab42e75ae0d6de0960f03681050ca89e8ea1524b1
[root@hell01-serv01 srv]# ls emby
cache  config  data  localization  logs  root
[root@hell01-serv01 srv]# nano emby/config/system.xml
[root@hell01-serv01 srv]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                NAMES
0c4cce4326aa        emby/embyserver:latest         "/init"                  6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        1900/udp,>8096/tcp, 7359/udp,>8920/tcp   agitated_volhard
74dd44873f1e        haugene/transmission-openvpn   "dumb-init /etc/openv"   22 hours ago        Up 22 hours>9091/tcp                                               transmission-openvpn
c5187fa808aa        collabora/code                 "/bin/sh -c 'bash sta"   47 hours ago        Up 47 hours>9980/tcp                                             collabora-online
[root@hell01-serv01 srv]# docker restart agitated_volhard
[root@hell01-serv01 config]# cat system.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ServerConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataFetchers />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataFetchers />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
        <string>The Open Movie Database</string>
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
        <string>The Open Movie Database</string>
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataFetchers />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledImageFetchers />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
      <DisabledMetadataSavers />
      <LocalMetadataReaderOrder />
        <string>The Open Movie Database</string>
      <MetadataFetcherOrder />
        <string>The Open Movie Database</string>
      <ImageFetcherOrder />
  <ContentTypes />
  <LocalNetworkAddresses />
  <CodecsUsed />
  <PathSubstitutions />
  • Like 1

That did the trick!!! Thank you! I was about to start pulling my hair out!

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